It’s blatant extortion now.
And I will not relent upon my statements of fact that Trump is an asshole, rapist, pedophile, fascist, lying, narcissistic cuck until he is impeached or dies. See how likely it is for me to stop saying these things?
Edit: forgot rapist, so hard to remember everything he’s so shitty
I just don’t understand how he got caught on this thought? I’m no foreign policy wonk, but I just don’t get it. Why would you want to start random beef with the neighbor. It’s like a weird parody that I don’t know enough about to understand.
Is he just Putining?
Who ever would have guessed that a serial rapist wouldn’t take, “No”, for an answer?
If he invades Canada we’ll make Vietnam look like a cakewalk.
We look like you. We speak your language. We consume your media. You’re going to fight an enemy who looks, acts, and is just as technologically advanced as you. Fighting insurgents who had nothing in common with you was already challenging enough, now imagine not knowing who is who
Other than the consequences that would happen as a result, it’d be hilarious if Canada ended up doing a, I think we call them, “preemptive targeted use of force against specific individuals determined to pose an active threat to national security”.
How fucked is it if another country, historically our closest ally, assassinated our president so many of us would just be like “yeah, makes sense”.
Trump needs to be removed for this and it’s not an exaggeration to say there are at least a dozen other unconstitutional things he’s done that he should be removed for as well. But the GOP-held congress doesn’t care about the constitution either so this is only going to continue to get worse.
Well, the best place for the stiff is a pine box 1.8m below grade
Id be down to let Canada and Greenland into the EU. Give Trump a big fuck you.
What I read in the article was this. There is going to be a war between the US and Canada. Trump didn’t say that, Trudeau said it.
All I see Trump saying, is that the US does not need items from Canada, if the US is losing money in the process. He also said it would be great if Canada joined the US.
Why does Trump want the US to be great again? 🤔 It seems like the US can’t be great and humble anymore under the Trump administration. 🤷♂️
The US’ most important good is intellectual property. They rely on other countries to protect their IP. If you no longer rely on them for trade because theyre tariffing the shit out of your country, you don’t need to appease them anymore by protecting their IP.
I would rather fucking die.
He needs to find a more productive obsession that’s much less likely to lead to a war, like building model boats.
Trump is a moron who is courting WW3. Also water is wet. NEWS AT 11!
Canada, this guy ain’t gonna learn until you burn it down a second time.