Surprising nobody.
Well at least we know why trump grabbed on to him.
Brave Sir Elon ran away. Bravely ran away away. When danger reared it’s ugly head, He bravely turned his tail and fled. Yes, brave Sir Elon turned about And gallantly he chickened out. Swiftly taking to his feet, He beat a very brave retreat. Bravest of the brave, Sir Elon!
Came here for this and was not disappointed.
That’s a pussy in your country?
Musk probably watched Stewart’s conservative show interview appearances over on YouTube, dating back to his first stint on the daily show. They couldn’t trip Stewart. He rolled over all of them. The interviews stopped, again, surprising no one.
Jon Stewart single-handedly got CNN’s “Crossfire” ( featuring a not-yet-fully-crazy Tucker Carlson) cancelled just by going on the show and doing his thing.'s_2004_appearance_on_Crossfire
In the final exchange before a commercial break, Carlson remarked that he thought Stewart was “more fun on your show, just my opinion.” Stewart responded, “You know what’s interesting, though? You’re as big a dick on your show as you are on any show.”
(Shit, that was over 20 years ago. I’m old …)
deleted by creator
Jon Stewart: “How old are you?”
Tucker Carlson: “35.”
Jon Stewart: “And you wear a bow tie.”
“Look, I’m not suggesting you aren’t a smart guy, because those things are not easy to tie. But the thing is, you’re doing theatre, when you should be doing debate. It’s not honest… what you do is partisan hackery.”
And so savage was the mockery that he never wore a bowtie again.
Bro, around 10:50 Jon made a statement he would later regret:
“In terms of the absurdity of this group, they’re going to be hard to top.”
Regarding the Bush administration.
To be fair, he was responsible for the deaths of 4 million people, yet is better remembered for fucking up a proverb. That’s pretty absurd.
There is a direct line between GWB and Trump. The lies of the Bush administration and it’s denigration of the “reality-based community” laid the groundwork for Donald Trump’s Big Lies. if Al Gore won in 2000, I doubt we would have Trump today. Ron Suskind wrote all about it in the NYT back then. This article about the article is not behind their paywall:
The aide said that guys like me [Suskind] were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. “That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
That was Carlsons “rejected from art school” moment.
What do you think Krasnov’s “rejected from Art School” moment was?
That white house correspondent’s dinner where Obama joked at his expense.
From all the information I’ve been able to gather, all signs seem to point toward “being born”
Seriously, he ruined that dude’s trademark fashion statement. Lol. Tucker is a snowflake confirmed.
Bowties would become cool again six years later, but Carlson never would.
When he yelled “that went great!” It probably sealed the deal.
Right? Makes you feel old, doesn’t it?
Elon can’t handle it so he ducked out. In addition, Tesla probably texted him and said don’t.
His cybertruck sent him a message saying “this is an uphill battle. I cannot help, you’re on your own”
And then caught fire.
And then locked it’s doors to make sure any witnesses were dead.
I suspect everyone knows better than to tell him not to do it. That’s likely as anything to make him decide he will do it.
But they also know if they don’t press the issue, Musk will always flake on any thing like this.
I don’t know how my mother convinced me to watch Crossfire. I was a kid. She thought it was intellectually awesome.
EDIT: To be clear, I don’t remember anything about Crossfire.
(Shit, that was over 20 years ago. I’m old …)
i watched that crossfire interview when it first aired and i think it’s telling that stewart & the daily show et al. are still the primary vanguard of american liberalism when the rest of the world has changed; especially so when they solely focus on stoking the culture war fires and ignoring the class war that creates them.
I’m shocked. Right up there with his cage fight with Zuck. He can’t handle pressure. He got booed at Chappelle’s standup show, and reportedly locked himself in his office to the point where people had to check on him and were worried he was self harming. He’s fucking 10 ply.
He’s spare parts.
Not at the rate of his drug usage… His parts wont even be usable.
His fucking parts have been trash since the original unboxing.
He’s fucking 10 ply.
Okay, I almost did a literal spit-take when reading that. I had just taken a sip of coffee.
Well done. 🤣
That’s a Texas-sized 10-4 good buddy
You knows, I’d normally not be okays withs callin a guys soft. As my women studies teacher says it’s only the performance of the’s masculinities and the threats of takins its away that keeps the cycles of the patriarchies going. That’s beings saids, Elon’s nots exactly what’s the kids today’s are calling woke.
That’s extremely thick toilet paper
10 ply = soft
I think it means 10 pieces glued together
It’s not meant to be taken literally, but as a blatant hyperbole. The joke is referencing the fact that 2 ply toilet paper is notably softer than 1 ply toilet paper, and extrapolating that to the fictitious extreme of 10 ply toilet paper which, if possible, would be unbelievably soft. It’s from the show Letterkenny, as are a bunch of the other things people are commenting in response.
Oh, I thought it was a plywood reference which didn’t really make sense in context. 10-ply plywood is pretty badass.
Geez, Elon self-harming? What’s not to like?
He’s too weak to make a proper job of it.
He got booed at Chappelle’s standup show
Even as much of a hot mess as Chapelle has become, I assume that Musk had to pay him to come onstage with him. I wonder how much it was.
What a fucking coward. I was actually excited for this. I should have known better.
He has nothing to gain from talking to intelligent people. They will easily show how dumb he is.
I also still want him to fight Mark Zuckerbutg.
To be honest, I’m less disappointed by this than I am with his avoiding a good ass kicking by Zuck.
I mean I hate both of those people so the idea of one winning a fight didnt excite me.
Ask yourself this, why would he do anything that makes you excited? He wouldn’t. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself, and it doesn’t help him.
I knew he was going to pussy out. Conservatives who are routinely in the public eye can’t survive outside of their safe spaces. That’s why Republican politicians are cancelling their town halls. They can’t handle anything other than a gentle interview on FOX or OAN with the questions sent to them ahead of time so they can get their answers from the heritage foundation.
the right suddenly stopped talking about masculinity is jaw-dropping
It’s insulting to president musk and his fat, gross lap dog.
I’m sure he’ll be on Joe rogan again getting verbally fellated and reassured that he dodged a bullet not going on the violent left wing propaganda deep state media show
Him “smoking” the spliff on that show was the epitome of a “pick-me”.
From what I’ve seen, if you watch any of Rogan you’d find that he’s not actually shouting MAGA to the heavens. He’s literally the “I’m just asking questions” guy, a useful idiot who normalizes right-wing thought for them, not the place they go for reassurance. Bannon and the like are the ones saying crap like deep state conspiracy.
Mischaracterizations are what fuel the right’s rhetoric when they try to say we don’t know what we’re actually talking about.
Oh no he pretends to be balanced to some degree but he’s completely bought into the maga propaganda. He may be a useful idiot, but he’s a useful idiot who is all in 100%. They’re not mischaracterizing him at all.
Bannon is smart enough to know it’s all a means to an end but nobody’s going to him for reassurance. Especially not Musk. Bannon loves shit talking Musk.
Rogan literally said Musk “saved us” - before the election no less.
I think this used to be true, but not so much anymore.
Hey Elon!
Typical far-right behavior. They stay in their safe spaces and pay to artificialy amplify their unpopular messages.
What was it, like a quarter of all the accounts on Facebook and Twitter are just AI chat bots trying to get people to engage?
Lol a quarter? I doubt even the real ones comprise a quarter.
Did his mom tell him no? Like with the Zuckerberg fight?
What’s that?
I think they’re calling elon a pussy, which is ironic because a pussy is far stronger than he will ever be
Yah, most pussies can take a real beating in my experience.
Oh I am well aware; I have one of my own!
Just an interesting fact, one which you may already know: “Pussy” in this context is said to be short for “pussilanimous,” a word meaning (among other things) “lacking courage.” (I learned this part from a very classic episode of The Simpsons!) Supposedly it is not meant to refer to any part of anyone’s anatomy. If accurate, it is a much more apt use of the word.
Fuck I totally forgot about that episode! Maybe we should do away with calling that anatomy “pussy” then. Seems like the femmes have been taking back “cunt”, at least in my circles, so maybe there’s hope there
“Pussy” when used to describe anatomy always kind of seemed rude to me anyway. (I might not be very good at dirty talk.) Personally, I’m fine with whatever word, so long as it is widely recognized and accepted so that communication can be effective. However, I have no justification for trying to be part of the decision making process, as I am not possessed of such an organ, nor am I a medical or linguistic expert.
I don’t discuss the topic often, but I would generally use specific words that I think of as neutral in casual conversations, or words that are meaningful between us if talking to my wife intimately. I probably wouldn’t use “cunt,” with the possible exception of when talking to an Australian.
For your nostalgia and enjoyment:
Should we spell it pusi instead?
It’s okay with me!
Calling Elongated Muskrat a pussy is derogatory towards pussies.
And far more interesting
Also, fairly confident if people had the option of being with Musk or a generic pussy. The pussy would win.
It’s a San Diego
It’s German, you see.
Not surprising. Fuck you, Musk pathetic racist asshole…
I don’t think that man wants to be in a room with someone smarter than him on live TV
someone smarter than him
…and that’s a LOT of the population.
Which is why he entirely avoids live TV. Elon is at best an idiot savant. And I’d put emphasis on idiot.
He Mr Magoon’d his way to being the wealthiest man in the word
What else would a coward do?
He couldn’t even follow through on his fight with clothing store mannequin Mark Fuckerberg.
Even though he’s just 5’7" and 155 lbs, I don’t think I’d want to take Zuckerberg on.
I’ve got half a foot and a hundred pounds on him, I would jump at the opportunity.
I don’t even know you but I’d jump at the opportunity to watch that
Eh, I don’t think he’s been upgraded to the liquid metal version yet so you’d probably be OK.