I read that as “Trump is the Hindenburg” and it still made sense. Oh, the humanity!
I read that as “Trump is the Hindenburg” and it still made sense. Oh, the humanity!
If the SC approves this illegal EO, there will be a 99% chance of Civil War.
We may end up in a Civil War, but it will not be over Birthright Citizenship. However, it may be over the next unconstitutional EOs he writes, if this one is approved by the SC. Because if they let this one through, he has permission to do much worse.
No, he doesn’t need them anymore, except to continue grifting them. But you know they will try to off someone on that enemies list, anyway.
The weird thing in the US is we will never, ever have a mandatory National ID, because too many people think the government would abuse it. Reagan even called the idea the Mark of the Beast.
But we have our Social Security Numbers, which were originally supposed to just be a thing the government used internally, and in fact the SSN was never supposed to be used as ID. But lazy companies still did, anyway. I am old enough that when I went to college, my SSN was directly used as my student ID, and had to be entered on all forms, and I still have some of my physical grade reports with the whole SSN printed on it, in plain text.
But since it is tied in to income tax reporting, most financial institutions need to have it, and then it expanded to credit reporting bureaus, and now simply knowing someone’s SSN and address is enough to open fraudulent accounts. The Government never mandated that, it was lazy companies who decided not to issue their own numbers.
So maybe Reagan had a point, but it wasn’t the government we needed to be afraid of back then. But in Trump’s America, anyone who looks “foreign” will be presumed to be here illegally unless they can produce a magic document. (Even, ironically, indigenous peoples whose heritage here dates back much further than all the people in charge right now.)
Sadly, I predict that one of these “patriots” is going to have a “minor incident” with someone on Trump’s enemies list, Luigi style, and will get immediately pardoned by Trump. He will say some shit like “This is what traitors deserve, he was just willing to do what the DoJ wouldn’t.”
The GOP will have a good look in the mirror, have a heartfelt discussion as to whether Trump went too far, then put on the red hat and have an equally heartfelt discussion about who can snap the best salute.
OTOH, he did run what amounts to a illicit drug distribution ring, even if he didn’t distribute the drugs himself. So while the life sentence was excessive, I personally feel a full pardon is also excessive. The fairest thing would have been to commute his sentence, now that he has served (almost?) 10 years. That would have left the conviction in place, but also recognized that it is bonkers to put anyone away for life for a non-violent crime (especially when there is clear evidence that the FBI agents involved were crooks, too.)
Foreign intelligence partners are going to limit what they share anyway, because they know Trump will sell it to the highest bidder.
Pro tip: passport cards are only $30 and are small enough to be kept in your wallet. They are only good for land and sea travel within North America, but offer the same proof of citizenship as a passport. Every single person who could possibly be mistaken for a foreigner should get one (or an enhanced driver’s license if their state offers it) to nip these questions in the bud. You shouldn’t have to carry your proof of citizenship around at all times, but here we are.
Some said it also implies that Trump, who has threatened to defy decades of accepted law by blocking congressionally approved spending, could go even further — by refusing to honor contracts in which the federal government promised funding for states, cities and other recipients.
Who knew that this guy, who left campaign bills unpaid all over the country, would refuse to pay the government’s bills?
The Internet was designed to be somewhat decentralized. Some administrative aspects are centralized, like public IP address allocation, Top Level Domains, and common TCP/UDP port assignments for essential services. But the operational aspects are very decentralized. When an organization wants to connect directly to the Internet, they “just” need to connect with sufficient bandwidth, and then start broadcasting the IP address ranges they are assigned, and the routing protocols figure it all out. If all you want is a private Internet, you can even dispense with the routing protocols and set up static routes yourself, although that won’t scale up.
No matter what happens in the world, there will always be an Internet, as long as the equipment exists and there are enough furries to run it.
Wait, Amazon owns that now?
Why do they fantasize sometimes about “deporting” anyone who makes them unhappy? Even if they’re not Hispanic or any sort of immigrant, legal or illegal?
Because they want to define what it means to be American. That definition conveniently includes themselves and people who think like them, and excludes Others.
When you’re a star, they let you grab them by the pussy
That shows how ignorant they all are, because according to Wikipedia she was born in New Jersey. So it’s telling that “deportation” is the first place they go whenever someone says something they don’t like.
It makes perfect sense when you realize that Silk Road was the killer app that launched Bitcoin and the entire Crypto universe that is currently funding Trump’s lifestyle.
Now Ross can dust off that old brain wallet and live large in his stash. When he was arrested, 1 BTC was worth $200ish, it’s now worth $100k. And he can make more dollars whenever he wants to by simply selling a shitty token.
He meant that TikTok’s gratuities are worth less than Zuckerberg and Musk’s.
But that’s the whole point: we’re not giving Donnie a sharpie and telling him to go to town, we’re trying to work together as a country to address things. In fact, the President has no role at all in the amendment process. You need 2/3 of both houses of Congress, then you need 3/4 of individual states to ratify it.
If the President wants to do this the right way, he will need Democrats’ help. And that involves making a deal. He says he is a bigly deal maker, and if he makes this deal his influence will easily push that amendment to the majorities it needs.
I wouldn’t put it past them to hastily roll back the change, say “Sorry, we just had a glitch”, and blame Trans people somehow.
Some that work forces are the same that burn crosses