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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Not only is this true and annoying, but other things about the ads are getting worse, too.

    I recently had to factory reset my TV and, after the first time I opened the YouTube app, immediately had to find the “don’t play video preview” option. It worked, except for the huge banner ad at the top of the list of videos, which still saw fit to play with deafening sound when I didn’t immediately change the video selection. I can’t find a setting to disable this.

    Also, I’ve noticed the “fewer ads for this long video” message popping up during videos longer than thirty minutes (and now it seems like longer than twenty minutes). Not only is that message condescending like they’re doing me a favor, but I’m pretty sure it’s not true, at least not by much; and the ads are definitely longer and mostly unskippable.

    Like someone else says in this thread, it feels like extortion.

  • In my previous post, I said I was allergic to crabs. I don’t actually know if that’s true, because I’ve never eaten one; the claim is based on the fact that all three of my siblings are - violently so - so I never felt the need to test it. Perhaps that’s why I’ve never explored the moral implications.

    That said, many times I’ve seen the claim that most animals that become seafood don’t have nervous systems supporting feeling pain the way that we do. If my food didn’t suffer, that would be a comfort to me; however, I’m not sure I believe that claim (and especially not the moral excuse it tries to provide).

    I have been with friends who fish in catch-and-release environments. The only time I participated in one, I was a child and didn’t really know what it entailed beforehand (and, to my relief, didn’t catch anything). If fish truly aren’t sentient and can’t feel pain, then there’s no reason to object; but the idea of being spiked through the cheek, pulled from my atmosphere, suffocating for a while and then being returned - with no comprehension of what happened - is pretty horrifying.

    I know it was a long post, but I was just pontificating because I don’t have an objectively defensible answer to your question, other than perhaps if I ate crabs ever I’d feel more qualms. Truth be told, I don’t often feel those qualms about beef or chicken or other land bound meat, I just have more opportunity to.

    That Chinese place sounds very upsetting, if real. Hopefully you still enjoyed the linked video.

    Also, I see your instance is separate from mine, but given the recent drama over veganism on my instance perhaps we should exercise caution in our conversation!

  • Perhaps you’re right.

    I think the reason is eating parts I don’t normally eat. For example, I don’t usually eat eyes or bones. (I recognize that this conversation is about oysters, which don’t have bones (or maybe eyes, I’m not sure) in the way most animals I eat do, but my aversion extends beyond oysters.) Therefore, consumption of unusual (to me) body parts is upsetting, especially considering the lack of hygiene in many kitchens. For example, while I don’t, my wife enjoys shrimp and has pointed out the lack of poop removal in several restaurants. Sounds pretty gross to me.

    I’ve never eaten lobster, so I’ve never had to point at a living creature and say “feed me that”; I’ve never gone the H2G2 route and selected a section of meat from a living animal; I have occasionally looked at a cut of meat and thought it used to be part of something living and felt brief revulsion, but it hasn’t yet stopped me from enjoying a meal. (That sounds like a sarcastic comment but wasn’t meant to be.)

    I don’t eat crab because I’m allergic, but the idea doesn’t disgust me (Marylandian that I am), so I don’t think it’s metaphorical or literal distance from the creature that causes me to object.

    I recognize the moral position of vegans and others who object to the consumption of meat. I don’t even necessarily disagree with them, other than that I don’t think there’s an objective morality in the universe. I just don’t like eating things that my upbringing did not teach me to think of as edible.

    Two more basically irrelevant things that amuse me to mention:

    • I sure do love oyster crackers!
    • You might enjoy Ryan Trahan’s video about luxury restaurants that includes one making sure you interact with the animal that became your food.

  • I mean, that’s a fair assessment. Honestly, the main reasons it bothered me were:

    • The idea of consuming the entire body of something disturbs me (I don’t have a valid reason for feeling this while being happy to eat meat, it’s just my subjective reaction)
    • While flesh does refer to more than just skin, when I hear the word I think of skin, so I briefly thought of the oyster shell as the flesh, which made me think of harlequin ichthyosis
    • Oysters are gross, as we’ve agreed, so I figured being somewhat wry would be funny

    If you’re not familiar with the second, I’d recommend not googling it as you’ll likely find some gruesome images. The page I linked does have one somewhat cartoonish depiction of the syndrome, fair warning, but no actual photos.

    edit: Converted paragraphs to list format to avoid line break shenanigans.

  • Hah! I like that comparison, very apt.

    I am married. My wife is concerned because I enjoy and own an unreasonable quantity of video games and books; and we have a toddler with a growing interest in both as well.

    My wife says that our next house won’t have a library, it will just be built from books.

    On the plus side, one of my favorite authors - Terry Pratchett - once said “I wouldn’t want to be friends with someone who has enough room for all of their books.” I would have liked to be friends with him.