U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon temporarily blocked the release of special counsel Jack Smith’s report on Donald Trump’s criminal cases.
The injunction will last until three days after the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals rules on a related case involving Trump co-defendants Walt Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira.
Nauta and De Oliveira argue that releasing the report could jeopardize their right to a fair trial.
Cannon, who previously ruled Smith’s appointment unconstitutional, issued the order to “preserve the status quo” pending appellate decisions.
“Judge aiming to be ranked as most corrupt judge in history, helps Trump AGAIN.”
I fucking hate how obvious this outcome was going to be.
She will be on SCOTUS within three years
She’s gotta step it up if she’s wants to top Clarence Thomas.
Aileen Cannon is a horrible person and should be tried for judicial interference if ever America returns to sanity.
She’s going to be out next SCROTUS, calling it now
This was my first reaction: someone wants the next slot that opens up
Good luck America, enjoy the most egregious cronyism the world has ever seen. It’d be entertaining from an outside perspective if it wasn’t likely to fuck the whole world up.
It’s already fucked the rest of the world up. Our far right cancer has been spreading.
Anymore is the SCROTUM. Supreme Court Of The United Millionaires
Cause sure as hell they don’t make any decisions that benefit someone not already a millionaire
Supreme Court Republicans of the United States
She can only be impeached by the house of representatives then removed by the Senate so probably safe to assume never or at least not for 2+ years.
if ever America returns to sanity.
That’s a big ask, hasn’t been a hint of sanity since Carter.
We’ve all been soon to be millionaires ever since!
Or just get to spend some Luigi time in Mario Party.
So she has no legal authority because she dismissed the case, which returned direction to the 11th circuit.
Can anyone with legal education explain to me why we’re even giving deference to someone who has no authority over the case?
It seems like letting this fly is just giving them more ammunition to lie and twist the system with impunity to where the rules simply don’t matter.
Because we don’t have a functioning justice system? Oligarchs run our country, corruption is the currency of power, and the public at large has been duped into thinking we are free.
Yeah that’s not a legal opinion as to why this is being allowed. I understand that much already and I’m looking for actual details here. I know folks think such things don’t matter so much anymore, but I do.
But it is the correct answer. There’s no reason for her to be given any deference on this. The 11th district court has the ability to overrule this judgement at literally any time, and I hope they will. The only reason this works is because rule of law in the U.S. is collapsing.
You will find no satisfactory answers. The oligarchy has abandoned the pretense of the rule of law. It’s a scary time to be alive.
I know it won’t be satisfactory, but I’m still looking for someone who understands how these legal mechanisms are supposed to work to talk me through it. I simply don’t have the legal education to be making a more informed statement, and clearly neither does anyone else here.
While it’s easy to shout “Oligarchy!” the details still fucking matter.
There literally isn’t a reason.
Ok and I personally think that attitude is gonna help Republicans memory hole how things actually worked in the past by throwing up your hands and giving up instead of trying to find out details.
But you do you man, I’m still gonna at least try to find out things, even if the only thing it helps is having one more person remember how systems were supposed to function and continues talking about it to others.
The reason is that many people are not doing their jobs. Cut and dry end of story.
I both understand and empathize with your search for meaning here, but that is the meaning.
I hear you, and I understand where you’re coming from. But there literally isn’t a legal argument for any of it. The SCOTUS has been corrupted and has invalidated their own credibility, and corrupt judges and politicians have been handing down legally indefensible rulings for years. Their justification is “fuck you. What are you gonna do about it?”
Legal systems must be consistent to be valid. Selective application of legal reasoning has exposed our courts to malfeasance. It is rotten at the core, and any justice handed down is unintended coincidence.
Basically their goal is to delay the release until Jan. 20th (inauguration), when Trump’s DOJ will bury it for him. The legal system is chock full of ways to delay things, just ask for a ruling on something and BAM, automatic delay. So they filed a motion asking the release to be delayed until the federal appeals court in Atlanta makes a decision on what will happen to Trump’s two co-defendants:
That court is considering whether to resurrect the classified documents case against Trump’s two co-defendants, Walt Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira. They argued in legal motions Monday and Tuesday that releasing Smith’s report could unfairly prejudice them if they are ever brought to trial. Trump tacked onto their request, arguing that releasing the report is not in the public interest and that the negative attention it would receive could impede his presidency.
Thanks so much, this is exactly the kind of information I was looking for. This still sucks but it at least makes more sense.
Her opinion ties this report to the exercise of special counsel authority that she has (absolutely corruptly and incorrectly) deemed unconstitutional when she dismissed the case prior to appeal.
Therefore, Trump’s lawyers filed a motion, presumably claiming that Cannon’s dismissal order was being violated by the exercise of special counsel authority in preparing the report, which at least on the surface gives Cannon authority to enforce her ruling with an injunction (pending 11th Circuit review, which frankly cannot come soon enough).
That’s my sanewash/lawfare-approved explanation.
She had zero power or authority over this case and more importantly over the DOJ. This order goes against separation of powers, no matter how much people would like that home, it’s still a thing.
If they have any balls left, they’d just release it anyway and have Biden pardon them.
I don’t think they’ll do it, but they should.
They should have leaked it before the election, then gone on TV and pledged to find the leaker. Republicans do it all the time.
Have you not been following? Every single decision the judicial branch and DOJ has made has protected Trump. Democrats are feckless and dance for the same masters.
Nobody needs to pardon anyone. Biden should just release it himself because he has full immunity.
No way!
The democrats will be taking 98 year old Donald Trump out on the campaign trail in 20 years, so they don’t want to burn any bridges.
Woah, you sure Elon will be cool with that once he’s running the DNC?
Yea but unity and shit
Biden is senile, he is just another puppet owned by the same wall street military and prison industry profiteers that support trump. The dnc and rnc are funded and beholden to the same financial interests. America hasnt been a true democracy probably since FDR died. If not then it was soon after that point.
Jesus fucking Christ, Cannon again.
Yeah, it’s not going to look good for her or Trump when the evidence is released that his campaign directly paid for travel and lodging for groups of people that assaulted the Capitol
Do you honestly believe that there is anything that could be written in that report that would make a difference? I don’t even mean something plausible. I mean literally anything. Because I don’t. It could say that Trump invented time travel and used it exclusively to help Hitler kill more Jews and nothing meaningful would happen. That has been proven over and over again and yet we’re still constantly hearing “yeah but this time it will be taken seriously”.
It wouldn’t make a difference to Trump supporters, but drawing a clear financial support line between him and the insurrectionist would prove treason. At that point the military could step in, or really anyone that’s taken the oath of service, and they would be justified
Just fucking do it, and then Biden issue a pardon.
Badda bing. Badda boom.
I’m really confused how can one judge stop this
Cause we live in a dystopian hellscape, that’s why.
Would be a shame of Jack where to retain a copy of the report without permission, just in case the DOJ misplaced it in the next few years.
Can she be overruled?
She technically doesn’t even have authority so I’d really like someone with legal background explaining why anyone is giving her deference on this issue.
So now like any Federal judge can just block anything that’s not in their court, anytime they want now? Things have been bad for a while, but this is just in our faces bad.
By like… the Supreme Court?
She was overruled before by the 3 district judges.
Fair enough. Hopefully they can intervene quickly enough.
side note buried under a load of manure here is that he’s giving away orders to the amount of 20 billion dollars to middle eastern companies to build data centers in the usa. so much for america first.
LOL shocked!
Next U.S.
District JudgeSupreme Court Justice Aileen Cannon temporarily blocked the release …FTFY