So you better get creative.
“You better get creative” at telling people to stop being such fucking bigots? Do you even pay attention to yourself?
And that puts me in the progressive camp where I am shat upon by the population just as much as you feel now, if not more.
Oh really? How many times has someone yelled a vile bigoted slur at you in the past year because of what you look like? How many times in your life did someone physically assault you because of what you look like? Because it’s more than zero for me. How often are you told you have dual allegiances due to who your parents are, which is why genocide is your fault? Because it’s a hell of a lot more than zero for me.
But sure, you get shat upon so much more.
(Typical whiny Jew, am I right?)
What did you attempt to accomplish by accusing me of talking about you hours before you joined this post when it was a question I never asked you?