Making the iron lung great again. MAGA dooming people to horrific lives.
Making the iron lung great again. MAGA dooming people to horrific lives.
Diddy has been very busy.
Pucker up boys.
Almost everyone loves pie!
Looks like a lot of us are going to jail over the next 4 years.
What complete and utter morons. Just like the majority of American voters.
Don’t hold me to this but I heard a rumor that Mark had to get on his knees and kiss Trumps ring.
We can get a majority of those that do vote to vote for Trump so I am not that hopeful.
I healthcare insurance companies need to become extinct.
He is the rapist Nazi of the year.
The duo is back!
I have the feeling these “loopholes” are bought and paid for.
I am getting the feeling that being a women in America is kind of terrible.
The end is near for physical media for video.
Let’s hope so.
Yes it is the highest bid by millions!
Ha ha ha are you kidding me? Of course he does not call his camps for deportations Nazi concentration camps.
His Nazi concentration camps are a bit more of a concern to me but I guess I will be concerned about this too.
Take your bitcoin and flush it down the toilet where it belongs.