Brian Eno has spent decades pushing the boundaries of music and technology, but when it comes to artificial intelligence, his biggest concern isn’t the tech — it’s who controls it.
The problem with AI is that it pirates everyone’s work and then repackages it as its own and enriches the people that did not create the copywrited work.
More broadly, I would expect UBI to trigger a golden age of invention and artistic creation because a lot of people would love to spend their time just creating new stuff without the need to monetise it but can’t under the current system, and even if a lot of that would be shit or crazily niche, the more people doing it and the freer they are to do it, the more really special and amazing stuff will be created.
I don’t know nearly enough history to be an expert on this subject, but I’ve heard that one of the causes of the Enlightenment was because peasants and poors were able to afford to spend time learning and creating, rather than substinance-farming.
The problem with AI is that it pirates everyone’s work and then repackages it as its own and enriches the people that did not create the copywrited work.
I mean, it’s our work the result should belong to the people.
This is where “universal basic income” comes into play
More broadly, I would expect UBI to trigger a golden age of invention and artistic creation because a lot of people would love to spend their time just creating new stuff without the need to monetise it but can’t under the current system, and even if a lot of that would be shit or crazily niche, the more people doing it and the freer they are to do it, the more really special and amazing stuff will be created.
I don’t know nearly enough history to be an expert on this subject, but I’ve heard that one of the causes of the Enlightenment was because peasants and poors were able to afford to spend time learning and creating, rather than substinance-farming.
Unfortunately one will not lead to the other.
It will lead to the plot of Elysium.
That’s what all artists have done since the dawn of ages.