They’re STILL fucking pissy about masks?
I didn’t think it was possible to hate this fucker more and more each day and yet here we are.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
John F. Kennedy
Good luck stopping college kids from protesting. I eagerly await the lawsuit that comes out of him trying.
Third times the charm. C’mon someone!
Trump’s such a petty bitch
Again. Right from the play book
Stay in your lane, Tim.
Lol who is this guy, the chief of police?
What’s an illegal protest? I thought first amendment speech covered that
Also, how can he expel a student from a school he doesn’t control? or does he mean expel students from the country?
Now apply that law retroactively to catch all women’s March supporters cuz fuck women right? And then all the other civil rights matches before women’s. They’re gonna catch me for protesting migrants Rights during prop 187?? Back in 1998? Those were the days…just the government trying to fuck up the world slowly with room for lube. Trump is power tool going full send after everyone’s rights. WTF get the guy out already!!!
Ah yes, that free speech that Musk is always taking about.
Hey, completely unrelated note, who here has watched Winter on Fire?
Mask up. Leave your phones at home. Break shit.
Well there you go kids, he just explicitly named exactly all the things you should be doing.