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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Not enough of the mundane has been preserved throughout human history, it continues to be a big problem for historians. Especially when they only have major - likely very coloured or outright lies - official records of events and cultural touchstones to go on.

    Why do you think we get so incredibly excited when we uncover something as mundane as the pricing artwork on an ancient Roman food stall? Because that stuff wasn’t preserved, nobody bothered to record such details, so much is lost because nobody thinks their place in history matters enough to bother saving it.

    We’ve reached a point in our development where we now have the ability to preserve snapshots of our civilisation in great detail, with extreme ease. We owe it to ourselves and especially to future generations to do so.

  • I dunno, I just read an article about that country’s political debate from last night and it didn’t mention this point, it was mostly discussing how angry that bloke got at the other politician and how overall it seems like it was a bad night for him and a good night for her.

    The specifics were a bit overshadowed by the perceived importance of the event and it’s outcome itself, I think.

    I’m sure in the coming days some more details will flow out of the USA and we’ll hear some discussion of specifics where they concern us, like their politician’s stances on the war in Europe, I agree. I’ve just not seen it mentioned just yet is all.

    But it’s only 7am and I think the debate was in the middle of the night, so I shouldn’t expect much yet haha :-D

  • How is this invading someone’s privacy? All it’s doing is detecting if children are smoking in a room or space at school and then putting an alert up about the detection on a screen.

    They have zero right to privately smoke at school, or anywhere for that matter, smoking is illegal for children and not something to be taken lightly.

    Similarly, adults have no right to privately smoke whilst in the workplace in the bathroom or other non-smoking designated areas. This is also illegal and not to be taken lightly.

  • Every politician in every nation should be banned from having any side business or income of any kind, including after retirement, to avoid potential conflicts.

    (E.g. an MP being offered a paid seat on a Landlord’s Association for when they retire, which would conflict woth their duty to serve the people whilst an MP)

    The government income and pension should be enough to live on so that these issues can be avoided.

    If you want to become a public servant, that’s a high calling that you undertake to serve your nation, and there are some small sacrifices that should come with it.

    It should NEVER be a potential avenue for fame or riches. It should be a sacrifice you make to serve the people and country you care deeply for.

  • That’s what you put in the next console generation, or your PC, not a console that was already released. That’s not how consoles work.

    The whole point of a console Vs just building a PC is to have a homogenous ecosystem for developers to ensure that everybody has the exact same experience, because everyone has the exact same device with the same CPU, GPU, etc, across that whole generation (also allowing developers to hone their skill on that hardware over the years to get more out of it).

    If you’re going to take that core benefit away, why not just build a PC at that point…

  • This was the game where I couldn’t figure out how to fly the space ship properly, and then I went to land on a strange abandoned space station and couldn’t figure out what to do there beyond reading some alien text that didn’t make much sense, right?

    I’m sure I didn’t give it a fair lick, it’s just it took up 2 hours of my time and didn’t hook or particularly engage me up to that point, so I didn’t feel like going back in and slogging through the slow burn to get to the good stuff.

    That’s on me I suppose, I should try it again!

    Does it pick up and get a little more interesting and robust, at least? I’m not looking for hardcore shooter action, but like, I dunno, interesting people, engaging quests and cool places to go whilst doing them, and such. Something to keep me interested, you know?

    Everyone’s different, of course, walking simulators with the occasional small bit of world building text to read just aren’t for me is all.

  • I’m missing something here, because I keep seeing posts like this one that have no content. No images, no videos, not a text post, it’s just the title “What doesn’t kill ya” with no explanation.

    I see all other posts elsewhere fine, it seems to just be posts in this one community, or from this one user maybe? I’m not sure.

    I’m on Boost if that makes any difference…