Timothy Murray lost his father earlier this year and had been asking his principal for counseling when she called in the police

  • Aceticon@lemmy.world
    1 year ago


    People would at most say that of an embrio, not a child.

    Unlike what the “every sperm is sacred” crowd thinks against all scientific evidence, a ball of cells with no brain activity is as much a child as a piece of human intestine, a toe or the cells flaking of your skin every minute of the day are: they’re all mindless bundles of cells which happen to have human DNA - organic things, not persons.

    The non-morons who support abortion actually set a time limit on how late in the pregnancy it is legal to do an abortion exactly because having thought about it, they’re aware that a viable embrio will eventually transit from mindless bundle of cells with human DNA into person (though you need to be seriously undereducated to call a fetus at even that stage a “child”) and morality dictates that once it’s a person their life is sacred.

    This is why in most civilized countries abortion is allowed up to 12 weeks: because before that tne embrio has no brain at all and is as much a person as a human toe or kidney, but once it does have some brain activity, whilst we don’t really know if and how much of a person that early in gestation it is, we chose to consider it as person just to be on the safe side hence with the right to live.

    Only the ultra-simpleton crowd would think that the ball of indiferentiated human cells the size of a pea which is the embrio earlier in gestation is a child.

    PS: The funny bit is that the people you’re criticizing have the same moral posture with regards to children as you do, the only difference being that they’re informed enough and have thought about it enough to know that an early gestation embrio is nowhere near the same as a child hence it makes no sense for the rights of the woman that carries said embrio to be suspended in favour of that mindless ball of cells.

    The arguments of the anti-abort crowd really just boil down to “Because I’m too ignorant to understand that which has been known for over a century, other people must be thrown in jail”