Protesters at a Kootenai County Republican Central Committee town hall in Idaho were forcibly removed after criticizing Trump policies, including the Elon Musk-led DOGE.
Event organizers dismissed their concerns, with one emcee saying, “Your voice is meaningless.”
Similar protests occurred in Georgia and Oklahoma, where Republicans faced criticism over mass layoffs.
Lawsuits have been filed against the administration over the legality of these dismissals.
Sounds like what they’re saying is that the normal methods of voicing dissatisfaction are not going to be effective, and we need to shift focus to other, more extreme, extrajudicial solutions, instead?
❌ Soap Box
❌ Ballot Box
🔳 Jury Box
🔳 Ammo Box
i am pretty sure the jury box is pointless at this point. how many crimes has VP trump been convicted for?
As of now, they’re still (allegedly) obeying court orders and at least giving lip-service to the idea that courts are to be respected.
At some point, they’ll openly defy courts without even pretending to follow them.
They are openly defying court orders
“We’re going to have to look at judges.”
Over thirty. But of course was not punished for them because reasons.
Reason: Rich White Guy.
The judiciary has already failed.
🔳 time clock box. unionize and strike immediately. or at least before resorting to violence
I feel that falls under “soap box”: using a platform to convince others that your cause is morally right and the government should listen to you.
incorrect. that would be indirect action. you should instead be using the direct actions of nonviolent sabotage and economic coercion
Sounds like it to me.
John F. Kennedy: ‘Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.’
Has there ever been a peaceful revolution? I can’t think of any. Rights are taken from the oppressors, not given by them.
Well, yes there has been. It was so peaceful its historically even called the “Velvet Revolution” where the people of Czechoslovakia decided equally and peacefull to split into two countries, the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic (Slovakia). source
Notable mostly because it was peaceful.
Ghandi. MLK Civil Rights. Rosa Park.
Gandhi, murdered. MLK, murdered. Bobby Kennedy, murdered. Medgar Evers, murdered. Need I go on?
Of those, only Gandhi was associated with a revolution, and even in his case it seems like the way it played out (with the partition into India and Pakistan as separate countries) was much more along the lines of what some of the less non-violent revolutionaries wanted.
Yes. Famous ones.
Ehh, they’re laying off the entire administrative side of the government. Should make it relatively easy to set up parallel power structures. What are they gonna do, send the cops they didn’t pay this month to arrest you and your collaborators?
I’ma Luigi. I’ma number one.
Don’t you see that this is exactly what they want to impose violent crackdowns on violent protesters?
Right now is basically ride it out until the 2026 midterms and hope people actually show up to vote this time.
If you believe they’re going to let an election happen without it being rigged to hell and back, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
I like bridges!
Which one is it?
2026 midterm won’t happen without a violent revolution and the longuer it’s take to start the more violent it’s going to be.
US are a the point where only a civil war will get thing back on track
Should have voted last time.
Violence is never the answer.
Tell that to those rescued from the Nazi death camps, and the enslaved people freed from bondage by the Civil War.
Remember it used to be the rule that the conversation was over once someone mentioned Nazis?
No? Why wouldn’t we be allowed to talk about the filthy nazis who are destroying the United States as we speak?
I was referring to Godwin’s law not the government that the majority of American voters elected.
Didn’t Hitler also have the “peoples mandate” as the fucking fascist trash looooove to keep repeating?
Just baaaarely over half the voting public. If one were to trust that Elon and the other traitors didn’t fuck with the votes.
Seeing how they’re acting now, I don’t believe for a second that 2024 was legitimate.
If you don’t want people coming up with the easiest counterexample, don’t say “never”.
I agree violence should never be the answer but when the people in charge control everything from justice to every part of gouvernement little choice remain
How many guns do you have where you think you can take on ‘every part of the government?’.
Violence isn’t the answer but voting the next chance you have is.
More people should have voted in 2024 and this wouldn’t be a problem.
You don’t take on every part of the government dumbass. Insurgencies aren’t like that.
This is the comment I was replying to.
What “little choice remains” means is that your choices are defending your rights or capitulating.
It sure got rid of the nazis last time.
World War II had fifty to eighty-five million fatalities with just over four million dead Nazis.
Clearly we should have just caved to hitler, since violence is never the answer.
Caving to the right is always the centrist answer.
If world war two got rid of all the Nazis why are we still battling them?
Because they still have appeasers to take advantage of. You don’t want to do anything to oppose them now, either.
Hope the elections will be reasonably free and reasonably fair.