• 6 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2023

  • Yikes, a major war you say?

    Those are not my words. Not even Elon’s. Those are the words of the author of Elon’s biography, Walter Isaacson. What Elon said is:

    If I had agreed to their request, then SpaceX would be explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation.

    The reason Ukraine can’t use Starlink in Russia (or occupied territories) is because Starlink is not enabled there due to US sanctions to Russia. Enabling it would be literally illegal for him to do. He also added later that had he been contacted by US officials and told to enable it, he would have, but they didn’t.

  • I don’t agree with the premise. Being a shitty person doesn’t mean everything they do is also shitty. Musk singlehandedly popularized electric cars, he’s the first person to develop re-usable rockets thus cutting the price of transporting stuff to orbit by over a half and he’s also responsible for being the first to create a truly global satellite internet effectively for the whole world. If you can’t give him credit for any of that then you’re simply just not looking at it objectively but rather with emotionally motivated reasoning.

  • I doubt it has any use in reality.

    Some possible future use cases would be things like:

    • Restoring Mobility: Bypassing spinal cord damage to regain limb control.

    • Treating Neurological Disorders: Modulating brain activity for conditions like Parkinson’s or epilepsy.

    • Restoring Vision and Hearing: Bypassing damaged pathways to directly stimulate the brain.

    • Enhancing Communication: Translating thoughts into speech for those with severe impairments.

    • Prosthetic Control: Enabling natural movement with brain-controlled prosthetics.

    • Treating Mental Health: Targeting brain circuits to manage depression or PTSD.

    • Memory Restoration: Helping those with memory loss, like in Alzheimer’s.

  • Didn’t it already fuck up in the first human guinea pig?

    Nope. He’s doing better than ever. Some of the threads god pulled out because it turns out that brain moves inside the skull more than they anticipated but they’ve made up for that with optimization and system updates. The performance of the first unit is better today than it has ever been. This is coming directly from Noland himself who has been quest on several podcasts.

  • The first chip works better now than the day it was impanted. It’s not exactly that it’s “failing”, some of the threads got pulled out because it turns out human brain moves inside the skull more than they anticipated. However they’ve managed to make up for that with optimization so the performance today is better than it has ever been.

  • Well I’d say that for a person to be evil they’d need to be doing evil things with the sole intention of causing harm with nothing good coming out of it. Perhaps a good caricature of an evil person would be someone wanting to destroy the world including themselves. Admittedly such people absolutely does exists so maybe that debunks my own claim.

    However if someone draws joy from causing harm to others I wouldn’t still call it evil but more like extreme disregard; you don’t care how others feel, only how it makes you feel. This is why I don’t think billionaires abusing the system for their own benefit makes them evil because causing harm is a byproduct of their selfish goals but not the intention of them. Similarly someone like Hitler wasn’t evil either because causing suffering to the jews was not the reason he set up the death camps but rather a way to achieve his other goals.