I am considering creating my own lemmy instance as my current instance (lemmy.world) is often down, and I enjoy this kind of a project. That being said I haven’t been able to find any resources on hw needed for this? If I have a raspberry pi 4b 8g with 128gb is that enough for just me using it? Do I need to pay for a cloud server to host it? How can federation work if I only have <10 users tops? Anything else I might need to know?

  • cstine@lemmy.uncomfortable.business
    2 years ago

    The only comment I’d add here is that you should make sure you have a real domain, that you’ve paid actual money to, when setting this up. ActivityPub assumes the domain is immutable, and the free dynamic domain names you can get (or free TLDs like, say, .ml was) are a bad choice. Spend the $10 or whatever, because if something happens to your domain name, you cannot just update it in the database and fix federation: it completely breaks everything in a way that’s not repairable.

  • Monkey With A Shell@lemmy.socdojo.com
    2 years ago

    I’ve had mine up since 6/15 and in total between attachments, DB, and misc other stuff it uses just under 30 GB of space. I’ve also ran one of the subscriber bots for a couple days so there’s who knows how many communities subscribed in total at this point.

    Between the major parts, the DB is about 6GB the rest is attachments and such that could be wiped without any real harm. I’m hoping to see a ‘purge data after X days’ function at some point, or even better a ‘after last interaction’ so active posts don’t get purged. No use keeping the data from some some simple meme that had 2 comments forever though.

  • Too Lazy Didn't Name@lemmy.woodward.tech
    2 years ago

    Hello! I did the same thing, and this is my first post on my instance!

    I just put it on an old computer with 8GB of RAM, a HDD, and an old i5. Its running great so far.

    One disapointment for me is viewing “all”. Since im the only one on my instance, the only communities I see are the ones im subscribed to. Let me know if you find a way around this please!

  • gabriele97@lemmy.g97.top
    2 years ago

    Lemmy doesn’t require a lot of resources to run smoothly, especially for instances with a low number of users. The only concern may be if you upload a lot of images, they are stored on your drive.

    If you don’t want to manage a single user instance you can join someone’s instance (like mine, I am the only one in my instance)