NATO had buit the largest of any European armies there and they were slaughtering the ethnic Russians, nobody was crying about policing them were they?
NATO had buit the largest of any European armies there and they were slaughtering the ethnic Russians, nobody was crying about policing them were they?
But I have no sources other than my thoughts to support this view."
I’m saying this is not some secret and verifiable fact.
They had 600K and a few100k reserves.
Far more than England, France or whoever.
Also the most tanks and everything else except navy.
Even with all the nATO help and training it didn’t go too well so they used the Minsk accords to arm even further.
Merkel admitted this, it is clear they never intended to honor it.
Reports from the OCSE show how they continuously broke the ceasefire.
Just before Russia intervened they reported 100’s of bombings.
98% on the ukro site.
Maybe learn to look something up, or don’t and keep making snooty remarks bcs you don’t want to see the truth.
No one knowing what you’re saying is a problem, but that’s a you problem. Everyone who reads what you wrote is confused because what you’re saying sounds like the ravings of a lunatic. No one knows what you’re talking about. We’ve never heard of these events you’re alluding to. So either show proof of them or we’re going to write you off as another propaganda shill
But you knew all of this because it’s 2025 and no one on lemmy doesn’t understand how the Internet works. Which means you’re lying for a purpose. You’re a propagandist.
LOL 8 YEARS is hard to ignore. Couldn’t look that up with all your interwebs knowledge?
I don’t know who your WE is that doesn’t see this but that’s probably part of your crappy propaganda outfit.
Anyone with a brain knows what happened and is going on.
The reality is catching up with you and you’re embarrassing, nothing more.
Propaganda only goes so far, especially if you’re on the wrong side.
So enjoy what is coming, you deserve it fully.
Yah, nope. Still completely fucking lost. You suck at writing my dude. Maybe take a class? Idk, but your teachers failed you hard. I said we because I’m not op supergenius.
LOL the eloquent “nope” and “dude” guy doesn’t know his limitations and thinks he can criticize his betters.
TF are you talking about even?
You know nothing about the world you live in and are a tool parroting the BS that is fed to you.
Not smart enough to shut up and realise he’s out of his depth.
So go away, you people bring nothing to the table, boring and unoriginal.
Invariably throwing personal insults since they know nothing about the subject matter and have only that as a last resort.
Sad little boy.
Ugh, the crying about NATO armies. “They were about to get too strong to attack, so Russia had to attack before they got completely too strong to attack.” Yeah, okay vlad
you people are always sooo original.
Besides their viewpoints they also need to parrot the insults for lack of any independent thought
Not much of a challenge
Let me just block you before you kill me with boredom.
NATO had buit the largest of any European armies there and they were slaughtering the ethnic Russians, nobody was crying about policing them were they?
So what you meant to say is: "I think
But I have no sources other than my thoughts to support this view."
I’m saying this is not some secret and verifiable fact. They had 600K and a few100k reserves.
Far more than England, France or whoever. Also the most tanks and everything else except navy.
Even with all the nATO help and training it didn’t go too well so they used the Minsk accords to arm even further.
Merkel admitted this, it is clear they never intended to honor it.
Reports from the OCSE show how they continuously broke the ceasefire.
Just before Russia intervened they reported 100’s of bombings.
98% on the ukro site.
Maybe learn to look something up, or don’t and keep making snooty remarks bcs you don’t want to see the truth.
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
I know, that’s the problem isn’t it?
No shit Sherlock, then include a source for this info so I can educate myself. Cuz a quick search turned up nothing like this.
Kindergarten teacher is not my job.
No. Propagandist is.
No one knowing what you’re saying is a problem, but that’s a you problem. Everyone who reads what you wrote is confused because what you’re saying sounds like the ravings of a lunatic. No one knows what you’re talking about. We’ve never heard of these events you’re alluding to. So either show proof of them or we’re going to write you off as another propaganda shill
But you knew all of this because it’s 2025 and no one on lemmy doesn’t understand how the Internet works. Which means you’re lying for a purpose. You’re a propagandist.
LOL 8 YEARS is hard to ignore. Couldn’t look that up with all your interwebs knowledge?
I don’t know who your WE is that doesn’t see this but that’s probably part of your crappy propaganda outfit.
Anyone with a brain knows what happened and is going on.
The reality is catching up with you and you’re embarrassing, nothing more.
Propaganda only goes so far, especially if you’re on the wrong side.
So enjoy what is coming, you deserve it fully.
Yah, nope. Still completely fucking lost. You suck at writing my dude. Maybe take a class? Idk, but your teachers failed you hard. I said we because I’m not op supergenius.
LOL the eloquent “nope” and “dude” guy doesn’t know his limitations and thinks he can criticize his betters.
TF are you talking about even?
You know nothing about the world you live in and are a tool parroting the BS that is fed to you.
Not smart enough to shut up and realise he’s out of his depth.
So go away, you people bring nothing to the table, boring and unoriginal.
Invariably throwing personal insults since they know nothing about the subject matter and have only that as a last resort.
Sad little boy.
Ugh, the crying about NATO armies. “They were about to get too strong to attack, so Russia had to attack before they got completely too strong to attack.” Yeah, okay vlad
Nobody asked you Adolf
Ok, Stalin
you people are always sooo original.
Besides their viewpoints they also need to parrot the insults for lack of any independent thought
Not much of a challenge
Let me just block you before you kill me with boredom.
Imagine getting that upset when someone does the thing you just did 🤣
You started it, boring adolf