Is this a Nikocado Avocado reference?
Oof…can we get separate checks?
I don’t know about you but I think that Hitler fellow sounds like a bad egg.
Yeah, I don’t see why this is news.
Leave it to the Grand Nagus to spot a clever ruse.
Personally, I won’t be happy until there are unskippable video ads before two pages of sponsored results with an AI summary somewhere in the middle of the third page of search results.
Of course there should be popups when advancing between search results pages.
If it’s on Chinese social media and it’s not being removed by the CCP, it’s supported by the CCP.
“I’m Xinnie the Poo, and I endorse this message!”
Have you ever heard of a Shoestring Machine gun? A little creativity goes a long ways and a Glock is nothing special aside from being an excellent self defense weapon.
Nah, that’s just double jeopardy. Can’t get him for the same crime twice!
SUN Bucks Summer Food Program for Kids.
Fuck’uh you whale and fuck’uh you dolphin!
Did you mean sinophobists? You’d still be an idiot but at least you’d be a technically correct idiot.
Being detained while an investigation is conducted is not being arrested.
How often are police tipped off before hand that someone is anticipating being SWATed though?
That situation is practically unheard of so it’s impossible to know how police in the US would respond.
I knew a guy when I was a kid. Pretty hard to look at. That’s a lot to me.
They usually charge people with as many things as they can and the smaller offenses get dropped (often as part of a plea deal).
Calculators are similar to a Dark Souls game. You always restart from the beginning.