I thought we were using nuclear weapons for that.
I thought we were using nuclear weapons for that.
Worse: Weather modification, though possible, just doesn’t really work. People gave up on that back in the day.
Sadly this person has been around the world as lot as his hobby for 20+ years was to travel internationally once a month and domestically twice. He had an agreement with the hotel he worked at that he’d work any shift they wanted as long as they gave him any time off when he wanted it. Sadly, even being exposed to culture doesn’t necessarily make you cultured.
It’s important to recall that anyone can be an idiot.
My former best friend (for a lot of reasons, is former) was a black man from Florida who confidently would say how all of Africa’s problems are due to their own incompetence and that people who speak African American Vernacular English are lazy. Dude also celebrated Biden beating Bernie in the previous primary.
Believe it or not, these are not necessarily the same voters. A whole new generation of stupid just joined the ranks.
Seriously. Everyone involved was exhausted and there was nothing else for them to do except rest and recover. If they’d won, they’d still be going at it preparing to enter office while Trump went to Mar a Lago and tweeted.
lol lol that sounded really naive, I’m sorry
Nothing quite as pathetic as going personal in a political discussion.
Alternatively they are on an engineering team and providing their expertise via other means beyond code submission. This entire thing sounds like a sledgehammer trying to do the work of a scalpel.
That’s bad training. Also typical here
FWIW I went off on dude on your behalf lol
They don’t know the people you are conversing with. You’re creating some strange narrative in your own brain and projecting it against the world.
What even is your point here? My reading: “Ooh look how tough you are, see how you feel when you lose your job!”
That’s a non sequitur.
Sadly they won’t realize it for what it is. It’ll still be liberals fault for some reason.
Experience shown me that it takes one generation to forget everything.
Yeah you’re all sorts of fun. I do regret encountering you. Going to block to make sure that does not happen again.
That’s called capitalism