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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • https://join-lemmy.org/news/2023-06-17_-_Update_from_Lemmy_after_the_Reddit_blackout

    For the past three years dessalines and I have been funded to work on Lemmy full-time by generous support from the NLnet foundation. These donations are paid out when we implement certain new features. But now we are busy answering questions, reviewing pull requests and urgently fixing problems. That means we are unable to work on the milestones agreed with NLnet, and won’t receive payments from them. We are increasingly reliant on user donations to pay our bills. These donations currently add up to 1500 Euros per month, which is not even enough to pay minimum wage for the two of us. Hopefully more users can consider donating, so that we can put our full attention to making Lemmy better for everyone, and possibly add more developers to our worker co-op in the future.

    https://lemmy.ml/comment/479066 (posted June 8th)

    When our open source grant from NLNet runs out at the end of this year, we will have to switch to full community funding, probably via yearly funding drives. Currently we only have two full-time devs, @[email protected] and I, but could potentially add more to our little worker coop as we grow.

  • https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2258A

    (a) Duty To Report.—
    (1) In general.—
    (A) Duty.—In order to reduce the proliferation of online child sexual exploitation and to prevent the online sexual exploitation of children, a provider—
    (i) shall, as soon as reasonably possible after obtaining actual knowledge of any facts or circumstances described in paragraph (2)(A), take the actions described in subparagraph (B); and
    (ii) may, after obtaining actual knowledge of any facts or circumstances described in paragraph (2)(B), take the actions described in subparagraph (B).
    (B) Actions described.—The actions described in this subparagraph are—
    (i) providing to the CyberTipline of NCMEC, or any successor to the CyberTipline operated by NCMEC, the mailing address, telephone number, facsimile number, electronic mailing address of, and individual point of contact for, such provider; and
    (ii) making a report of such facts or circumstances to the CyberTipline, or any successor to the CyberTipline operated by NCMEC.

    (e) Failure To Report.—A provider that knowingly and willfully fails to make a report required under subsection (a)(1) shall be fined—
    (1) in the case of an initial knowing and willful failure to make a report, not more than $150,000; and
    (2) in the case of any second or subsequent knowing and willful failure to make a report, not more than $300,000.

    Check with a lawyer if blocking an upload that your server has access to because of suspected CSAM constitutes “actual knowledge or any facts or circumstances”.

  • 2- positive supply-chain validation. Not important for the majority of people, but for those who require a little more security, they can be a little more sure that their device isn’t compromised from illegitimate parts. I imagine this to be a fringe benefit for executives and the like

    Anecdotally, many years ago I had a Mac laptop that was fairly new but I ran it as what amounted to a portable desktop. It was plugged in 99% of the time. A few months after I got it I had an issue with one of the fans. Instead of taking it to the Apple Store that was 90 miles away (I was living and working in a small town then), I took it to the local computer repair… and they fixed it it.

    Afterwards, while I didn’t use batteries much, it seemed off.

    Another two years and I had moved to a larger city and took my laptop into the local Apple Store for them to replace a fan that was not operating strongly enough. The repair tech commented that I had a sub par third party and while it should be replaced as its battery health was very low, it wouldn’t be covered under warranty because it clearly wasn’t an OEM Apple part.

    I strongly suspect that the repair shop had swapped my new battery out for an old one and hoped I wouldn’t notice because I didn’t use it in that capacity. I can’t prove anything and the shop had gone out of business.

    This is anecdotal and batteries for laptops don’t get pairing the same way phones do… but this sort of thing happens.

  • You don’t need iodine, this isn’t going to give you radiation sickness, but it is a little surprising.

    From a WaPo article:

    France’s digital minister said the iPhone 12’s radiation levels are still much lower than those that scientific studies say could harm users, and that a software update could solve the compliance issue. The ANFR itself acknowledges that its tests don’t reflect typical phone use.

    Which links to:

    https://twitter.com/jnbarrot/status/1701848091689693576 (translated)

    The @anfr found that the iPhone 12 was emitting a level of waves slightly higher than the authorized threshold.
    This level is more than 10 times lower than the level at which there could be a health risk.
    But the rule is the rule: Apple must comply.

    https://twitter.com/jnbarrot/status/1701852521247965686 (translated)

    The wave levels that smartphones emit can vary during a software update. It is undoubtedly because of an update after its release that the iPhone 12 exceeded the authorized threshold. And it’s a simple update that will bring it back into compliance.

    https://www.anfr.fr/maitriser/equipements-radioelectriques/le-debit-dabsorption-specifique-das/das-reel-/-das-mesure-maximal (translated)

    The classic conditions of use: the real DAS

    Laboratory measurements do not reflect what happens during the usual use of the device. Indeed:

    • for voice communication, the phone statistically emits only about 50% of the time, the phone does not emit when listening; in addition, the average duration of a communication is less than 3 minutes;
    • for data-oriented use (internet or video), the durations of use are certainly longer; but the phone, which generally receives more information (videos, emails…) than it sends, rarely emits more than 10% of the time during the session;
    • the value of the DAS displayed in the points of sale corresponds to a precise frequency (e.g. 800 MHz) and technology (e.g. 4G) for which the maximum has been detected; but, in reality, the phone does not work permanently under these conditions: it often changes frequency or technology;
    • Finally, for all uses, the phone rarely emits at its maximum power, due to constant interactions with the network to best adapt to its conditions.

    The real SAR therefore does not often coincide with the maximum SAR.

    As the DAS is proportional to the power emitted by the telephone, it is possible to evaluate the actual DAS by measuring the power put into play by the terminal. This can be evaluated thanks to professional software installed on consumer phones

  • shagie@programming.devtoFediverse@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    Another thought is the two parts of locking it down.

    How much local configuration would it take to make it so that Lemmy doesn’t show any posts to someone not logged in (since you know that if its on the web even under a really funky hard to type name… someone will find it)? Do you want your vacation planning available to everyone (“I won’t be home from September 15th through the 23rd, so Cousin Dave is going to stop by each day to walk the dog…”)

    The other part is specifically against fediverse (which would be the reason for Lemmy rather than some other system) for such a private community. It again gets hard to lock down… not so much a “what gets out” but also a “what gets in”. … oh, Aunt Jane and Uncle John have subscribed to swingers that’s hosted on a nswf instance and that’s not about playground equipment. Meanwhile Aunt Dorthy wants you to do something to prevent Cousin Charlie from seeing all that “stuff” in /all before Carlie accidentally calls him Uncle Long John at a family gathering. … and now you’re going through pics and finding pictures of your aunt and uncle that you really didn’t want to see (and you’re going to be going vegan before you want to think about that turkey baster next Thanksgiving).

    And while these are solvable problems… it’s a question of do you want to solve them?

    Simpler solutions will work better that you expand into other things as the need arises.

  • Private slack channels work, but the reduced access to archives now makes that less useful. Spinning up a Zulip instance for family and then using that is quite tempting.

    For most non-tech type people, the active asynchronous chat is an easier thing to work with than threaded discussions. And sharing images tends to be something more ephemeral / point in time. You could have a thread in zulip for “Smith Family vacation photos - summer 2023” and then follow that… but the "do you really want to be digging through those a year or two later? They’re still there, but how do you want them?

    The other part is the… reduced moderation. Having worked with Stack Overflow Teams, the college intern thinking it’s funny to down vote everyone’s posts… well, that’s not funny. Cousin Charlie doing the same on a family Lemmy can create much more drama than you’d want to administer… and Aunt Jane thinks that it’s just boys being boys and doesn’t see anything wrong with it. Family drama is the worst drama.

    This is why the least feature rich system that you need would work best. It’s just chat. No votes, no reporting and minimal administration and moderation because you really don’t want to deal with that.

  • It was from a simpler time ( reddit post / archived blog post) … “reddit is vast. Unfathomably, mindbogglingly vast. There were over 71 million unique visitors last month. Yesterday, there were 5,487 active subreddits.”

    On old reddit, if you had the left sidebar enabled, they showed up there. I’ve got quite a few private ones that I set up there that group my interests. https://old.reddit.com/r/multihub/

    On new reddit, with the left sidebar showing, there’s “custom feeds” where you can do similar things, however its discoverability is much reduced. It’s only really visible if you favorite it so it shows up near the top of some lists / drop downs. If you still have a reddit account, and create a custom feed, you can create one, adds subs to it, make it public.

    However, the difficulty with this is two part… discoverability (again) and the single ownership. The French subreddit that is a directory of other French subs is shared ownership. You’ll note with the multireddit its one person who maintains it… and that leads to abandonment.

    A way to solve that (on reddit… yea, I know, talking about the other place here) is to have the shared ownership of the directory subreddit then drive scripts that update a bot account that publishes the public multireddit. You can see similar efforts with shared ownership and scripts https://hub.docker.com/u/redditopenttd (it doesn’t update a multi, but there’s no reason why it couldn’t).

    Similar problems would need to be solved on Lemmy (including discovery and ownership) for the “how would you do an aggregation of multiple /c/ across multiple instances into one “bundle” and how / who maintains or curates it?”