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Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • In wake of but not actually connected to in any way.

    These fucking morons marching around burning things, smashing things, stealing things, scaring and injuring people are just that, morons.

    Not only would their behaviour be appalling and unacceptable even if the arrested suspect in the 3 murders was a Muslim immigrant, he wasn’t. He was born in Cardiff FFS and his parents are Christians. Exploiting his heinous acts to promote their own hateful ideology is beneath contempt.

    This is what happens though when you have years and years of politicians stoking the fires of anti-immigration sentiment. No surprise that these far right fuckwits were chanting Stop the Boats.

    Thanks a bunch May, Johnson, Sunak, Braverman, Patel, et al. You seeing now what your methods have led to? We already knew that Farage and Yaxley-Lennon were evil opportunistic cunts, but it’s your adoption of their attitudes and language that sees towns across England and beyond in fear and in flames. I hope you’re fucking proud of yourselves.

  • No, not at all, I’m not sure where you got that idea from.

    What I’m talking about is when developers (or anyone else designing a public interface) utilise something which produces unintuitive results - in this case it’s the idea that when a user clicks in a box in the middle of the screen, the next thing that happens is that typed text appears somewhere other than where they clicked.

    That’s not a bug, that’s just bad design.

    I was sympathising with the OP who encountered this particular example, but also making fun of a general trend for this sort of thing, where companies and designers sometimes seem to think that regardless of what the user did, they should be railroaded into doing what the designer wants them to do.

    It’s the wrong approach IMO, and leads to frustrating interactions with software. Or at least mildly irritating ones.