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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2024


  • The “small issue” you described is a logistical one that remains unsolved by bureaucrats, lawmakers, judges, or anyone else. “Bad actors ruin it for those who really need it” is the same “small issue” people use to argue against many services people genuinely need in order to survive.

    “Deport them all and let God sort 'em out” is the course America has chosen, and it is the immoral course, as far as I am concerned.

    we need more people processing immigration paperwork

    Agreed, but it won’t happen, especially under this administration. They don’t want more immigrants, even “legal” ones. They say they are only against “illegal” immigrants, but let’s be real here. Lemme know when they sign into law some additional funding for hiring more bureaucrats to parse immigration paperwork. I won’t hold my breath.

    When immigrants know the legal pathway is unreasonably slow and will not be improved in any way, there’s no incentive to do it the “legal” way.

  • I cannot, in good conscience, begrudge any family who illegally enters a country when they are fleeing violence or poverty in their own country (e.g.: they are from a country that is effectively run by drug cartels, or is in the midst of civil war).

    “You need to fill out the appropriate paperwork before your family can be safe” is not an argument that will ever sway me. The bureaucracy takes too long in the vast majority of cases. People are scared and want a better life.

    Some people illegally immigrate for less serious reasons, in which case sure, get 'em to fill out the proper forms. But I cannot support deporting people whose entire reason to illegally immigrate was for their safety and/or livelihood.

    And please note that this position is wholly a moral one, not a legal one. I am a person with a moral compass, not a lawyer.

  • I wanna say fwupd/lvfs manages firmware updates on Arch (and lots of other distros) these days.

    You may be able to roll back the latest firmware update with fwupdmgr. What’s the output of fwupdmgr get-devices in your terminal? Also, what is the make/model of the ethernet port that is now on the fritz? You can search for it on the website here: https://fwupd.org/ in the “search for firmware” bar at the top, then you may be able to install the old version with fwupdmgr.

  • I’m not familiar with EndeavourOS, but I’ll ask a few questions to get the troubleshooting process started:

    With the ethernet cable plugged in, can you access your local router config page (if you have one)? e.g.: If not, what happens when you ping the router’s address in the terminal?

    If you’re able to successfully ping/access your router, can you ping a well-known IP address such as (google DNS) or (cloudflare DNS)?

  • As someone who’s eaten many sauces and spice blends that incorporate Carolina reaper peppers, spiciness isn’t the same as temperature with regard to heat. Lava’s heat is physically destructive and one’s tongue would likely be immediately burned beyond recognition. One wouldn’t have time to assess the “taste” or texture at all before writhing in agony from severe burns.

    In contrast, I can eat a hot sauce made from super hot peppers and, while I’m in agony from the extremely potent capsaicin in the peppers, I haven’t damaged my tongue in the process so I can actually taste the flavor and detect the texture of the food.

  • I think using Apple products involves paying money to a company who actively hurts you and limits your rights

    Vendor lock-in and walled gardens aren’t an Apple-specific problem, though. I’m not saying Apple doesn’t have problems that they are particularly bad for, just that “paying money to a company who actively hurts you and limits your rights” isn’t unique enough to Apple for me to consider someone not “walking the walk” for buying their products. Most mainstream phone brands have locked bootloaders that limit your rights to affect the hardware you purchased, but I’m not going to suggest someone isn’t “walking the walk” with regard to their consumer rights for owning one.

    I’m not much of an absolutist. One can only do so much. But Apple is putting unreasonable constraints on consumers, and it should not be tolerated.

    I agree they’re putting unreasonable constraints on consumers. I do not agree with labelling those who do tolerate it as not caring about their rights or not “walking the walk” when everyone has different, if arbitrary, desires, goals, and limitations that are unique to them.

  • But if you care enough not to be ignorant and you still tolerate it, you might have a problem walking the walk rather than just talking the talk.

    I think it’s disingenuous to suggest that people are only “walking the walk” if they take every single avenue possible to protect every single right they believe they have. I run Linux on every device I own, but the CPUs on those systems are still largely vulnerable to privacy violations from things like Intel Management Engine and other vectors caused by closed-source blobs in the firmware. Am I only “walking the walk” if I also go the extra mile to flash Coreboot or Libreboot to my devices?

    If you believe in your right to privacy, you shouldn’t own a cell phone at all, should you? Even a dumb flip phone allows governments and other private entities with enough power or resources to monitor your location at all times.

  • I don’t think it has to be all-or-nothing when it comes to caring about your rights. I care about my rights, but might still have to deal with a Windows PC for select use cases.

    I have friends who undoubtedly care about their rights and simultaneously own an iPhone. Does it make them a hypocrite? I don’t think so. I think it means that “caring about your rights” is situationally, and generally, really difficult to put into practice in 2024 and not everyone can go full RMS and completely forgo all cell phone use on principle.

  • So, can you tell me in your own words what scene(s) in the film makes you think this Randian interpretation is valid?

    I’ve seen this film more than most people (it’s my favorite movie; I’ve seen it probably two dozen times since it released), and I am comfortable discussing any scene wherein you think the viewer’s takeaway is meant to be that “the unexceptional are intimidated by exceptional people and force them to perform inadequacy for the comfort of others and how this is a net loss for society.”

  • rudyharrelson@lemmy.radiotoMemes@lemmy.mlThe Incredibles (2004)
    2 months ago

    The Incredibles isn’t Randian propaganda by any stretch. This interpretation is wildly missing the film’s messages about society. Brad Bird, the director, called the “Ayn Rand” interpretation of the film “nonsense” and “ridiculous” in multiple interviews when this interpretation started getting parroted by people who didn’t get the point of the film.

    I think it got misinterpreted a few times. Some people said it was Ayn Rand or something like that, which is ridiculous. other people threw Nietzsche around, which I also find ridiculous. But I think the vast majority of people took it the way I intended. Some people said it was sort of a right-wing feeling, but I think that’s as silly of an analysis as saying The Iron Giant was left-wing. I’m definitely a centrist and feel like both parties can be absurd.