pooberbee (any)


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Hmm… I admit I didn’t follow the video and who was speaking very well and didn’t notice hostility that others seem to pick up on. I’ve worked with plenty of people who turn childish when a technical discussion doesn’t go their way, and I’ve had the luxury of mostly ignoring them, I guess.

    It sounded like he was asking for deeper specification than others were willing or able to provide. That’s a constant stalemate in software development. He’s right to push for better specs, but if there aren’t any then they have to work with what they’ve got.

    My first response here was responding to the direct comparison of languages, which is kind of apples and oranges in this context, and I guess the languages involved aren’t even really the issue.

  • What the hell? You don’t know me or my kids, why are you coming at me about my parenting? You’re talking out of your ass about raising kids. They don’t go straight from babies to adults, there is a lot of in-between, trial-and-error. Sometimes they cry, in public even (gasp), and we handle it. Sometimes they misbehave and we handle it. They’re not going to learn anything by being locked away from society. And if being out in public with other people who might have children with them is so hard for you, maybe you should order in and watch Netflix.

  • You’re assuming a lot about a person’s situation who would be traveling internationally with a baby. They may not have a choice. In general, babies and their parents have as much right to exist in public as you do. Of course the courteous thing to do when your child is being disruptive is to try and calm them or remove them from the situation, but that’s not always possible. I’ve gone into a restaurant with a very happy baby that only turns sour after the food is ordered. All you can do sometimes is just try to mitigate it until you can get your food in to-go boxes and get out. Also worth noting that the main issue with flying for babies is the pressure change and not being able to deal with it. People will often yawn or chew gum to relieve it, and for babies you can give them a bottle or something chewy (depending on age) and it does the same thing.