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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024


  • Depends on the state. Looks like Carter is registered in Georgia. According to an article from 2020 when Republicans were bald face lying that long dead people were voting a lot, someone from the Georgia Secretary of State’s office is quoted as saying secrecy rules don’t allow rejecting a ballot when a voter dies before Election Day.

    “You can’t go back and get that ballot back out. It’s just physically impossible, given the privacy rules in our state,”. May or may not still be accurate, or may have never been accurate, but that’s what the first article I found when searching says.

  • Can confirm, my ISP is fiber out in a rural area, run by the rural electric company from a couple counties over and it’s pretty decent. Not top of the line stuff, offers either 100 megabit or 1 gigabit symmetrical for a home plan, but it’s much better than the fixed point wireless that was the best previous option and maxed out at 100 down/20 up for the highest tier plan, and that was only if you could get clear line of sight to the transmitter (Would sometimes go down if it was raining hard or it was windy or something as something could block line of sight or misalign the transmitter/receiver on one end of the connection or the other)

  • The only possible comparison would be if some show had a gimmicky live episode that happened to be scheduled for 9 AM, on a Tuesday, in September of 2001.

    Speaking of, not the child focused Sesame Street, but they accidentally made it canon that in the Muppets universe whether or not Kermit the Frog exists somehow determines whether or not 9/11 happens. 2002’s “A Very Muppet Christmas” is an “It’s a Wonderful Life” style movie where Kermit temporarily wishes himself out of existence and is allowed to observe the resulting timeline. Shots of the Manhattan skyline in the main universe show no Twin Towers as expected, but there’s a shot that clearly shows them in the background outside alternate Piggy’s window. Accidental because the set designer or whoever just didn’t notice them in the old still used for that window, but the implication is hilarious