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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Honestly, Google did this to themselves with not properly vetting the advertisers that they sell space to, and with oversaturation of ads.

    If they’d have stopped granting ad space to scammers and malware spreaders, and if they’d have stopped adding advertisements at the line most people find tolerable (which seems to be a single ad between videos… not multiple at a time, and certainly no mid-rolls), they wouldn’t have triggered quite the level of ad blocking that they did.

    I see this “problem” that they have as being entirely of their own making.

  • The Fani Willis reaction to Cheseboro doing this (“Speedy trial? Sure, how about October?”) speaks loudly to the strength of her case.

    With racketeering, you have to prove that there was an overarching criminal conspiracy, and then you prove that the defendant(s) was/were a part of it in the ways that you’ve charged them to be. So all the defendants (regarding the same conspiracy) will have a lot of identical/shared evidence being used against them at trial.

    So tactically, if one or two of the group go first, the rest get to see a preview of most of the body of evidence that will be used against them. If there’s any weakness in the presented case, they can craft their defense around it.

    And here, Fani Willis pretty much said, “That’s fine.”

    They must have every step of this proven beyond any doubt whatsoever. Based on her reaction to these speedy trial motions, if I were one of those people charged in this conspiracy, I’d be very, very worried.