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Anchoring is legitimately a negotiation technique where you start with an absurd demand to set the framing of the haggling.
Ie now the idea of expanded sea port security integration doesn’t seem like a crazy thing to exchange for elimination of tariffs.
But guess what, expanded sea port security integration would drastically reduce our ability to economically pivot in the face of future tariff threats. Ie if expanded sea port security integration means the USA can prevent us from using our sea ports.
I successfully submitted for a short term disability claim for an anxiety condition that arose from my ADHD. A few weeks later I was told that there wouldn’t be a role for me to return to once I was recovered. IE in an attempt to avoid a nasty law suit they aren’t firing me until I’m off short term disability.
Talk about setting up adverse conditions for recovery!
What unhealthy eating habit are you indulging in at 21:45?
Yeah! I’d worry about directly incentivizng men to sexually harass women, conversely: providing harassers the cover of “fame seeking” to obscure genuine harassment.
I’m very curious about the alternative hypothesis.
Thank you for teaching me about rejection sensitive dysphoria, I think it has been playing a role in my struggles, but I didn’t know it.
Can you elaborate?
Fair enough I get all that. My contention is that writing off commenters as shills and bots underestimates the size of the problem.
I agree that the Kremlin targets the fabric of our society. But they have succeeded to the point that we can’t just cut off the affected parts. It’s too pervasive. We need to mend and reinforce the damaged fabric. Idk if you’re confident they’re shills/bots/trolls then I guess you’re right, but what if they’re just ignorant?
Just FYI it’s totally possible for non-shills/bots to support Russia. They can be real people just with different experiences, values and/or information diets than you.
Like to me it’s pretty obvious who the bad guys in the war are (russia). But to a Belarusian it’s probably not so clear (in fact I’ve met a Belarusian that feels this way).
Writing people off as shills/bots gives a false sense of security (not exactly the passing I want but close enough I guess)
I think it’s much healthier to say something like “your head is so far up your ass it’s difficult to understand you”.
If the certification of Trump’s election is delayed past January 20th, what happens? Would his accession to power be delayed? Could he use this delay to justify postponing the next election?
Downvote away but you know it’s true.
You don’t know what others know. Building codes vary tremendously between regions. Imo zoning and real estate speculation are MUCH more significant drivers than the cost of design and construction. But my opinion is based on my experiences in my region.
Not every racialized person reports experiencing racism. That can be for various reasons, one of the potential reasons is that they haven’t experienced racism. Although I guess in that case they wouldn’t be a racialized person… just a person of colour.
Yes what I described is class but as we agree there is a strong racial correlation of class in America. There is also racial prejudice which makes it more difficult for some racialized people to develop strong university applications, eg less encouragement to participate in certain extra curriculars. Racial prejudice that affected a parent’s career can affect multiple generations.
I’m not a racialized person. My parents are the same age as Ruby Bridges, but didn’t have to face racial discrimination in their careers. In 2018 My parents helped my wife and I buy a house (they gave us a loan against what they expect to leave us in their will, ie when they die we owe the estate $x0,000 dollars plus interest, but our inheritance is expected to exceed that amount). We still have a mortgage, but we were able to buy a house in the city in 2019. This is going to help my children get into university because they are going to be closer to extra curricular activities and summer jobs. This would not have been possible if my parents faced racial discrimination in their careers that suppressed their earnings.
I grew up in an affluent neighbourhood without really being exposed to racism or stereotypes. Also without really meeting people that had experienced racism. I would have agreed that we should focus on class because racism is only historical and will sort itself out when the old people die. I was wrong.
Race and racism divides the working class against itself, we can’t ignore it, but we can’t fixate on it either. We need to simultaneously advance working class interests, AND the interests of people disadvantaged by racism, because we need unity.
Yeah I agree with you.
When they said:
If there’s hidden segregation in education (…) then universities doing less of it will become better over time.
They are totally ignoring the fact that systemic racism is self reinforcing.
E.g. if one group of parents have enough cash on hand to enroll their children in tutoring when they need it, and impressive extra curricular activities when tutoring is unnecessary, then the children of those parents will have stronger university applications than the children that have to work part time jobs. This perpetuates racially inequality.
It’s not difficult to understand. It doesn’t even require racial prejudice.
Yeah I thought the same about depose.
I’m not certain what the external OP meant by liberalism. If they meant leftism I think it might be accurate to say that:
Leftist movements promise everything in the hierarchy, but depend on working class solidarity which (I think) is a form of transcendence. Leftist movements blame societal safety and physiological shortcomings on amorphous policies and power structures.
Whereas: fascist movements promise esteem (through the glory of the state), belonging and love (through participation in the movement), and blame safety and physiological inadequacy on ‘outsiders’ and political opponents.
I’m having trouble articulating how promising esteem through the glory of the state isn’t a form of transcendence. I think it’s because it’s something that’s promised, ie “elect me and you can be a proud aryan again” is different from “elect me because you care about the working class”.
The former is “you get something for voting for me”. The latter is “if you’ve achieved transcendence you should support lifting others up”.
But this all based on my uninformed understanding of Maslow and political ideologies.
I’m not sure that the best way for a software developer to support the war effort is by carrying a gun.
Hopefully if they support the defense of Ukraine, they find a way to support the Defence of Ukraine. I’m hesitant to prescribe the best way to do that.
I was told there was no such thing as a shortage in a free market, why won’t the executive branch embrace free market economics?