What sort of tea? Mushroom?
What sort of tea? Mushroom?
In my experience it’s always mayhem at PakNSave.
if you instead say you’re going to teach them consensus reality, and use words like “education” and “lifting out of poverty” and “they’re being deprived with their biological parents”, you’ll convince more people that kidnapping is morally right.
Excuse me, what? In what modern context is this occurring? That Australians think this is morally right? I run in very left wing circles, but I don’t think I know of any Australian who thinks this is a morally right positions, or that when this was done it the past it was ok, save maybe extremists like Pauline Hanson, even then I don’t think she’d put that opinion out there in public.
Also this doesn’t make sense, you say you can teach a child religion by putting a church in their community, but the only way to teach them consensus reality is to kidnap them, instead of, I don’t know, building a school in their community?
For the record, as a rule I don’t support cultural genocide, all indigenous peoples should be given equal opportunity to stay connected to their heritage as well as participate in “consensus reality”, one shouldn’t have to choose, especially if one’s people have existed on the land for 50k+ years.
Tell my wife I said hello
At least in the direct they didn’t say “for the first time”
Out of interest, what did you replace them with? I’ll be looking for a new setup later this year.
Not sure if /s or not, but I’ll bite. That’s the opposite of what they’ve stated in the article. This would be a mouse that you buy and use forever, no physical upgrades, just software. There is no value for the customer, only the shareholders.