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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • This is my (basic) understanding of capitalism. I’m no economist, but it seems to me that if we had a government that wasn’t owned by corporations, but that instead looked out for the rights and protections of the little guy while the economically elite did their thing, we wouldn’t have a perfect system but at least a better system than we do currently. I think a lot of people balk at socialist / communist ideas because of the idea of putting the economic power of redistributing wealth into the hands of corrupt government officials seems like an easy way to drive the wealth gap even bigger than it already is. Or maybe I’m just talking out of my ass lol

  • Lmao, the left are the ones spreading lies, yet you don’t hear conservatives calling for the dismantling of free speech

    As for Dr. Malone, my whole argument is just that he spearheaded the invention of mRNA tech so when he comes out and says that we should slow down on the roll out of the covid vax, I don’t think that should be treated as some massive conspiracy theory

  • Here’s your tinfoil hat.

    Thanks, it’s quite comfy

    hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin

    These have been shown to be effective against covid as part of a larger treatment plan. No one was telling people to go buy ivermectin at the feed store. Btw, the ivermectin is FDA approved for human use as an antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial. It’s on the WHO’s list of essential medicines, and I even remember a video that made the rounds a couple of years ago where Dr. Fauci himself let slip that ivermectin is part of an effective treatment against covid.

    The people who are discredited over COVID are not discredited for holding controversial professional views, but for going batshit fucking insane across the board.

    Down right false.

    You’re just trolling


    Do you enjoy embarrassing yourself?


    I have numbers

    …from the NIH, the organization Dr. Fauci, with all his monetary incentives to push the vax, is in charge of. Nice try glowie

    we basically eradicated most of those illnesses

    Yeah, with traditional vaccines that have years or even decades of long-term safety data, not with mRNA gene therapies that have only been around for 3 years.

    It’s funny cuz when Trump first started Operation Warpspeed and was talking about how he was pushing the vax through with all the FDA tests, I seem to remember all the lefties being against it. But the moment it became Biden’s vaccine, all this sketchy stuff was suddenly fine

  • Oh no, you got me on a spelling error, what ever will I do?

    dogwhistle of far right anti-intellectualism

    Absolutely false


    I never mentioned flat earth, and J don’t believe in the flat earth. There is tons more evidence for the inefficacy of the covid vax than there is evidence for flat earth. Don’t pull out the craziest sounding stuff to try and disprove something else. The umbrella retort of pointing at somebody and screaming “conspiracy theorist!1!!!1!!” as if everything you don’t agree with falls into the exact same category as flat earth and the like is piss poor way to make your point and only gains you brownie points with like-minded individuals (although I know brownie points with like-minded individuals - aka fake internet points on a reddit knock-off - is all anyone here cares about)

  • https://www.statista.com/statistics/1103688/coronavirus-covid19-deaths-us-by-state/#:~:text=There have been 101%2C159 deaths,number of COVID-19 cases.

    Some of what you said was partially correct, but most of it was not.

    the death rate of Republicans was comfortably higher than of Democrats

    This is just part of the narrative that gets pushed around the pandemic, I doubt its actually true. Even if it is, what your comparing here is those extremely stupid few who did take it too far, as another user has mentioned, throwing “spread covid” parties and things like that, which have no real bearing in terms of how the virus normally spreads. Things like that wouldn’t even be an issue if the pandemic hadn’t been politicized in the first place.

    As far as Trump telling people to drink bleach, that was actually a misunderstanding between Trump and some doctor he was talking to. I believe it was Dr. McCullough that told that story on the rogan podcast. More the product of Trump’s inability to communicate effectively. And for your claim that people took that advice, I again doubt how true that is, but even so you’d be talking about a small minority of republicans who were stupid enough to try it who are not representative of conservatives as a whole. In case you were unaware, there are extremely stupid people all over the political compass

  • The “ones with an actual education”, who had monetary incentives to do so, were the ones regurgitating narratives. Except for the likes of Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullough, etc., who, despite their educations, were dismissed immediately for there noncompliance with the narrative.

    And not wanting to wear masks was never about being unable to breath. Yes, it was a complaint you would hear from people on the right pretty commonly, but it was not the root reason for opposing masks

  • You realize the covid response was global right? The same lies were being spread globally. Therefore, the same response to those lies was found globally. Even if you don’t believe in a global cabal of elites running the world from behind the scenes, even if didn’t think leaders from all countries were communicating with each other about covid response (and many other things), you should at least be able to see that with your own two eyes

  • eddie_of_ny@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlThe American garbage parties
    1 year ago

    Except that’s not true at all and if you were capable of getting out of your own echo chamber you would realize that. The only way the masks would have had any real effect is of we were all running around wearing N95s, but we weren’t. People were running around in cloth masks because its easier to make fashion statements out of them. And natural immunity has been shown multiple times to give far better immunity than the vax. Even early on, studies coming out of Israel and Ireland showed that