I am a shitpost in human form: your mom loves me, mods fear me

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Crazy man says crazy shit. He does realize the absolute stink the right threw for eight solid years over Obama not being from this country, but Kenya? Guess why. It wasn’t because he was fluent in Kenyan or that he practiced Kenyan traditional customs.

    It’s because the GOP, and it’s powerbase, is full of old, white, rich, bigoted fuckheads that will absolutely not vote for someone whose name they can’t spell or have trouble pronouncing, or anyone whose skin color is darker than “spray tan”. They might let him sit at the table like they did with Herman Cain, but I can guarantee you all the right-wing buzzwords and talking points in the world won’t be enough for those old fucks to consider him “one of us” and throw their weight behind him. It’s a fat fuckin’ chance. If they hated eight years of a president Obama, they certainly will not welcome with open arms someone to be named president Ramalamadingdong. Ain’t happening.

  • Even if this was added to the bill, there’s no way it would ever reach the president’s desk. And if it did, there’s no way Biden wouldn’t veto it.

    This is just somebody signalling his loyalty to Orange Steal so he can swoop in and grab a little of his powerbase when Orange Steal is serving out his golden years in a jumpsuit that matches his spray tan.

    I guarantee you, the Biden administration has a planned timeline they want to see this prosecution play out over, and it ends in a conviction before the election. It has contingencies in place for every bullshit delaying tactic conservatives will try to throw at them. He’s going to jail for a very long time, and I’d say the majority of people are starting to wise up to this fact.

  • when you think about it, the fact we got this far as a species in terms of society and population is astounding. For all intents and purposes we should still be banging rocks together in caves.

    Really. Think for a moment: these people have had the modern benefits of the internet, the public library, sexual education courses in school – something. They may not have paid attention or known exactly where to find that information, but we’ve had the information available if they wanted it.

    Still took them four fucking years to decide to go looking for answers.