Guilfoyle, a former Fox News host-turned-political fundraiser, was dating Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr.
so totally qualified to act as donvict’s rep on the ground in a corruption-heavy region.
Guilfoyle, a former Fox News host-turned-political fundraiser, was dating Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr.
so totally qualified to act as donvict’s rep on the ground in a corruption-heavy region.
can we start at the top of the hill, then have a change of heart as we clean the orange goo out of the mulcher?
“1/5. mcsnitches. don’t eat here if you’re on the lam.”
would be a legit review of that particular restaurant.
at least postponed until donvict can get paid to force the deal through.
wonder what donvict’s ‘efficiency expert’ has to say about that?
probably some bullshit about needing to move seniors on medicare over to for profit ‘advantage’ plans.
the last piece of mail donvict opened himself was probably an allowance check sent by daddy to him while he was busy at upenn being the big stupid on campus.
lemme guess. the tl;dr is the whole thing was lies, from start to finish.
he’s going to gain supporters. these maga fucknuts don’t care what happens to themselves or their families or friends–as long as he ‘hurts the right people’, and there’s a whole lot of hurt on the menu.
he didn’t do them for the policy choice. he did them because he’s a greedy asshole doing favors for his ‘buddies’ in exchange for ‘services’ and ‘funding’.
neither. i think i have cinnamon now on everything except the old junk that has peppermint (its xfce there) or is a console-only box or vm.
pretty close, though. $99.99 for new 8tb seagate hdd is the lowest/gb i’ve seen in the last couple years from a major retailer.
finally. some accurate reporting.
donvict and some of his comrades have crypto holdings. a lot of crypto. they’re gonna pump and pump and pump… and won’t give a shit about consequences.
yea, 2 party system is rigged. but that does not give reason or excuse to vote for a hateful treasonous power-tripping con-artist diaper-filling asshole.
would literally be funding terrorists, terrorist states, organized crime, state sponsored hacking groups, weapons dealers, drug cartels…
and when a little university from one of them (other) “shithole countries” passes the u.s. in research advancements, we can celebrate with more trump biblestrumbles for everyone!
settlement of a previous lawsuit and more info on their huge lending business:
the middle classes won’t want to buy luxury goods
this is the part that keeps the asswipe awake at night. poor guy.
scotus would have to literally rewrite the constitution for the feds to have that much control over states’ elections.
i think what they mean is that it’s not ‘automatic’. an investigating agency or prosecutors office has to submit a request to pay out the reward money, how much of it, and to which person or persons. then it’s up to agency heads up the chain to approve or not.