generally it vaguely means “communists” as well as “anti-imperialists”, with the caveat that left communists are excluded as a separate thing
generally it vaguely means “communists” as well as “anti-imperialists”, with the caveat that left communists are excluded as a separate thing
that user is denying that Donetsk was bombed for 8 years. I wouldn’t doubt that they also don’t believe in other well documented and widely known historical facts
Lmao Polish and German Antifa at this point should just rebrand to “fa”
There are millions of Ukrainian citizens who speak Russian and were persecuted. You are saying “why didn’t Russia just accept massive population transfers and millions of refugees”? Ukraine was attempting ethnic cleansing of its own citizens. Why should this be accepted, an illegitimate coup government driving millions from their homes?
You think it’s fine because you are a Russophobic fascist as I have said. You don’t care about people if they speak Russian you think they deserve to die of be driven from their homes, you have the same attitude Americans do about Palestinians.
These were Ukrainian citizens who spoke Russian and lived in Ukraine all their lives, and before that the USSR. Why wouldn’t they move? Because their grandparents fought the demons from the west and so will they, because they are brave and don’t just accept ethnic cleansing but fight back.
Every generation a new batch of swastika wearing fascist westerners invade Russia, you don’t think they are ready for your shit?
You are just now discovering the concept of linear time and causality
if you understood your own self interest the USSR would still be around. It’s clear you have reactionaries and befuddled idiots running the show and the dominant ideology is the ideology of the ruling class. You’ve been colonized by the west and you have a false consciousness. You have not decolonized your mind.
if I’m a Polish nationalist, why would I want to arm banderites, of all people?
A great question for all of your Polish nationalist friends and government, who all support the banderites.
Turns out your hatred for Russia supersedes your own self interests, so it goes with nationalism
when those different beliefs are “we should give weaponry to banderites to ethnically cleanse russians” then you’ve gone off the deep end and are fully a fascist. There’s no coming back from it.
Trade unionists who support Nationalism and Imperialism are class traitors. Thanks for further cementing what you are. Banderites are anti-communists who burned trade unionist halls down and slaughtered the trade unionists. You side with your enemies because, as I said, you are a traitor and deeply confused or reactionary.
you’ve chosen your side, with the Banderites, Israelis, Al-Qaeda and American fascists. Have fun class traitor.
scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds, i’m very good at identifying and scratching them lol
Sanctions are an instrument of war, they kill millions. They are one of the primary tools of western imperialists. If you support western imperialist sanctions, you support their warmongering machine.
How’s that going for you lmao? West has only isolated themselves by revealing to the world their nazi loving, ISIS funding genocidal freakish natures. Applauding Nazis in their parliaments, cheering on Al Qaeda taking over Syria with Ukrainian support. You are just letting it all out and the world is seeing it.
Crippling economy
This is just another part of sanctions, see paragraph 1.
All of this is war or lead up and escalation to war. You want to “de-escalate by escalating” to “punish” the “bad countries” because you have a paternalistic, imperialistic mindset where you believe western nations hold the right to punish others.
It’s hilarious how everyone of you NATOID leftists pretend to be above it all and “both sides are bad” but when we press you enough, you spout Kissinger-esque neocon dogma like you’ve been trained.
OAS are liars? They’re your guys, western stooges - and even they admit there were tens of thousands of ceasefire violations with explosive ordinance against Donetsk
Homophobia is your only response because you know i’m right and you’ve failed your revolutionary duty.
then stop funding nazis and giving them weaponry, and oppose your government joining in on the western fascists’ war against Russia. Do everything you can to push for peace and stopping weapon shipments.
The more entangled your nation gets in Ukraine, the more likely war will spread to you - and you will have nobody to blame but yourselves for allying with nazis and American imperialists.
ok everyone in all wars ever are equally guilty of war crimes. Nazis? Exactly the same as Native Americans defending their homeland. It’s all the same. War crimes are war crimes.
This is the brainrot of the liberal mind. The mechanism of “punishment” is more war, from the warmonger imperialists. You cannot ‘punish’ russia without cheering on western imperialist war. It’s zero sum.
if you are from part of the imperialist bloc of the west, yes you to contribute directly and indirectly to the western project of colonization.
If not, it’s sad to see you’ve let western imperialist narratives colonize your mind
look i appreciate ruzzian culture, i just want those orcs exterminated and put into their place
Yeah I’m a tankie