• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I’m not on twitter and never was, but I’m not silly enough to think billionaires don’t shape my world in a million fucking ways with their unilateral decisions. Elon here has a HUGE one recently in deciding to disable starlink during a Ukraine offensive.

    Trying to assist his rich buddies with fucking with the union is a lower tier crime but still its fuckery that affects a lot of people.

    Then we’ve got other rich asshats selling state secrets for money.

    Billionaires are a liability and everyone needs to realize it.

  • Authoritarian attitudes was the #1 predictor of Trump support if I recall.

    I haven’t lived through an authoritarian regime, but I lived through a terrible parent - so I’ve experienced the feeling of ‘oh shit the structure that governs my life is fucked up and I must escape’. I think that’s what made me anti-authoritarian.

    I often wonder if there’s a way to get people to shift away from authoritarianism. I think I get the appeal of ‘simple, easy, you don’t even have to think for yourself!’ - but everyone needs to recognize those are trap cards.