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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 4th, 2023


  • I don’t know that we do it to make any such statement to the guilty party. I personally think we do it to 1. deter others from going down that path for fear of the consequences, and 2. remove an individual from society who has shown themselves incapable (in the most malicious and extreme way) of properly functioning in society. They are a danger to society, therefore they need to be removed. Obviously you could make the argument that we could simply banish them somewhere or lock them up for the remainder of their lives, but in my personal opinion that’s not definitive enough. They could escape, be let out early, and harm someone else.

  • It isn’t CIA propaganda. They quite literally welded people into their houses during COVID, there’s video of them doing it. They then absolutely decimated Hong Kong, making countless protestors disappear. There’s obviously the whole situation where they use mass slave labor of the Uyghur Muslims. There’s the constant lies the CCP spews that are demonstrably false (we’re talking North Korea levels of laughable propaganda). There’s their blatant theft of intellectual property with government support along with the global corporate espionage. There’s the horrible working conditions, with companies needing suicide nets around the buildings to prevent workers from jumping. There’s the laughable safety issues with various engineering projects that when they fail are swept under the rug. The list goes on and on. China has an interesting and impressive history, but China under the CCP is absolute dog shit.

  • I heard him say “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard”, but what do I know, I only watched it on video.

    But you’re right, letting democracy take its course is stupid, I don’t trust the public to make decisions and have to go through the trouble of voting. The only good democracy is one in which we tell the people who they can vote for. We should probably bar the Republican party from participating too. We don’t want to confuse people by giving them too many choices, especially since we obviously all want another term of Biden. He’s the best!