I’m all for that too. I feel like secret agents who’s lives are dedicated to the job are the perfect excuse to have a roster of actors play the same “character”
I’m all for that too. I feel like secret agents who’s lives are dedicated to the job are the perfect excuse to have a roster of actors play the same “character”
I was not making a serious comment. Reread it but inject as much sarcasm into the tone as possible
Honestly, in my mind the codenumber 007 is reserved for the most elite agents and the moniker “James Bond” is a transferable identity given to the best of the 007s.
And no corporation will ever dissuade me
She’s a successful black actress, they unfortunately come with the territory. I imagine they hit differently when they’re coming from actual Nazis though
(This was meant to be a joke but it kinda just made me sad as I was typing it)
This counter-troll from Disney would slightly redeem them in my eyes 😂
What a wonderful idea. And it’s not like the displaced Palestinians will have displaced another people in 50 years time because everyone involved is brown and therefore culturally homogeneous. /s
I get your point that it’s not specifically Chrome or specifically Safari that are holding other browsers back, but Apple and Google own the vast majority of market share in mobile devices and by extension, browsers used in mobile devices. I think that’s the crux of what the investigation is getting at
I completely understand that neither would be very nimble but I’d expect with how large I’m sure both ships are (an assumption, I know) they shouldn’t need to be nimble to be able to avoid a collision if they’re so visible
Oh, in that case I take it back.
God, I hate this timeline!
I’m glad it’s not just me
Was it actually a US-Poland spat?
I thought it was just Musk running his mouth on Twitter as per.
If that’s the case I think it’s a dangerous game for the wider world to conflate Musk’s actions with the US as a whole
Edit: Seems like it was also US official/s taking part. What a wonderful world we live in 🙃
Now, I’m no expert but as I understand it, the North Sea is a pretty big place.
How is this even possible with modern navigation and communication systems? Even archaic, navigation and communication systems would be able to prevent this from happening. A crows nest would probably be able to avoid this from happening.
Am I crazy?
I think this is the winner. Pretty much exactly what I wanted. Thank you so much!
I’m so glad we’re on the same page. I’ll go back to the people who are actually open and welcoming to new people rather than the ones that try their hardest to condescend and belittle when I am justifiably suspicious of a random unknown file
I don’t remember asking what Debian was. I demanded an answer to the question, “would you download an unfamiliar file from a stranger without any context or description of what it is” (paraphrasing because I don’t remember exactly what I said). And that demand was only because of the condescending comment I was replying to.
I can admit I have been disrespectful to three people, but only in retaliation to a disrespectful comment levied at me first. Everyone else I have had a pleasant discussion with and thanked them for their time and help. I deserve as much respect as anyone else here does, why did you and the others feel justified being disrespectful to me and expecting me to just allow that to happen without me calling it out for what it is?
And I did read the links you posted, I just don’t see how they are relevant to this case. I thought it could have been a productive discussion, and other than this thread and three particularly rude and unwelcoming people, it has been.
I asked if anyone knows of a resource. I didn’t demand a response. Are you seriously suggesting that people in the open source community see sharing information as a bad thing? That is honestly baffling 😂
That’s a great list, thank you for taking the time. I’ll look into them all
Thank you, I appreciate you actually trying to educate me. If I knew that, I definitely would have been less suspicious
A wonderful example of gatekeeping. Because I don’t have this particular piece of inside knowledge I get downvotes. This is literally my first step into the world of open source, a community I had come to believe was welcoming.
This is beyond a joke. If there weren’t other people legitimately engaging with my question in good faith, I’d be well and truly put off of working with you people.
I mean, Captain America doesn’t own the concept of codenames.
We don’t “need” to do anything in a fictional world about super spies but I think it’d make the world more interesting, and quite neatly explains why the same man has been at various levels of his career, physical fitness, skill, knowledge, and face through the decades.
I have never heard of an actual logical reason that it shouldn’t canon, and you haven’t provided one either