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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • I think this could have been smelled in the water for a long while. Tim Cook was trusted to steer the rudder but his specialty is supply chain management, and I don’t think anyone can say he’s done a bad job.

    But. On the R&D side I don’t think people could say he’s done a great job.

    The ideas have dried up. When you go “safe” at CEO you make money, but you limit your ceiling, which, once again, with Apple is already breaking the mold.

    Consumer electronics is saturated. There is little to no breakthrough there anymore.

    Evolution is outside that, but outside that might not be in Tim Cook or Apple’s executive suite’s realm anymore.

  • If not, we can expect to see legal channels raising their prices again to cover the losses caused by piracy.

    And with the last paragraph the whole article loses its legitimacy as propaganda. I mean I should have expected as much considering the source, but I still wanted to see how well researched it was.

    No, this is a case where people are rebelling against a broken system, that didn’t need to be broken in it’s mostly recovered state.

    No, the general paying public shouldn’t shame pirates for their actions, they should shame the companies for their actions that have driven them to this. Companies aren’t your friends, they don’t care about you, they just want your money.

  • Netflix had it, lost it due to a more competitive landscape. Now they all have reached about peak saturation and are struggling to hit those massive numbers where people are doing it willingly, they they think they can strong arm people into it. Streaming is all about convenience. Can I sit on the couch and put on something relatively engaging for a few that seems relatively reasonable? Ya? Cool. The further you move away from that model the more people start to look elsewhere. Pirating has gotten a lot, and I mean a LOT easier, and that arm is only so strong.

  • Private company’s policy isn’t dictated by anything but what can make them more money, which is by and large public opinion.

    Public opinion is that this guy and his ilk are cunts and don’t deserve a platform.

    Where your argument falls apart in the internet age, public policy or private policy, is that it’s so easy for this ooze, this tar, this black filth to fill into dark crevasses, one’s you don’t think of, don’t imagine, because they are naturally borne of their time. We don’t have time to even make public policy before they happen and become problems.

    We have things like incel communities because these people feel lost, and have banded together to feel some sort of connection because of their joint feelings, but these feelings have a negative direction that leads to them being deeply troubling.

    In a normal community these would be nipped in the bud because it wouldn’t travel very far without negative reaction, but with the internet people can find their pockets, positive and negative, and relish in those communities, for better or for worse.

    So because a natural word of mouth community can’t rid the spread of these ideals, and our systems of governance, especially internationally, can’t keep up with them, we’re supposed to just let them spread because the internet has this new electric borne free speech?

    If the idea can’t stand the germination through natural lifecycles, then why does it deserve to stand an unnatural one?

    And so I posit, why does a private entity need to wait for a public one to make a decision, when the general public at large has already made it.

  • 100% right here with you.

    The main missions were definitely soft and the games overall have their warts, but that base mechanic was pure art.

    You could take all the care in the world and special ops the shit out of it, or you could go in there and Rambo the shit out of it, and each would work or wouldn’t for various reasons and the difficulty scales well enough that you don’t just automatically pick the latter every time.

    Only other games that have scratched that itch have been MGSV, Ghost of Tsushima and Sniper Elite.

    Most games have some variety of this now but those three along with Far Cry build and scale it well enough that feels like an accomplishment over the course of a whole game.

  • It’s because infrastructure spending, especially repairs or preventative maintenance, isn’t a vote getter. It’s not flashy, so it doesn’t get the focus it should.

    By the time our representatives have funded their pet projects, and their donors projects, they aren’t going to award a large chunk that’s needed for these repairs.

    That is… until there is a catastrophe close to home. Unfortunately that’s when we’ll likely see action. But it’ll be myopic, and focus only on one specific thing, leaving another unattended.

  • Eh, there’s blind hatred, and then there’s sweeping the unsightlies under the rug.

    They’re taking away rights from people who aren’t “sightly” to make the neighborhoods and country seem better.

    Other countries have done the same, doesn’t make it right in the slightest.

    If anything those other country leaders should know what the country they are visiting is going through, thick and thin. Everything can’t be all Sunshine and roses, fuck whatever positive posture they’re trying to put on whatever trade system.

    There is a real cost to this system and these people they’re trying to sweep under the rug are that cost. They should see that. No matter how “unsightly” that is.

    Let’s stop pretending we live in some magically world where we can ignore the things we don’t like. They still exist.

  • I had a headhunter come to me with what they thought was an aggressive offer to pry me away from my current company, but they believed in full office time all the time.

    I calculated the commute time + gas + wear and tear into my calculation and it came in under my existing pay.

    Went back to him and said unless you’re willing to do much better or move on the remote situation I’d be losing money by taking your offer.

    I’ve heard from him a few times since asking if we can discuss it and I always ask, what’s the remote situation? “Oh maybe we can do a couple days a month.” Yea. No. Thanks for the offer, not interested. I recommend your company takes a second look at their office attendance requirements to stay competitive.

    I know I’m not the only one as well. And I’m really hoping people start taking the opportunity to stand up to these useless requirements.