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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • My issue isn’t the sources. The issue is we vote in a 2 party system. You can be critical all you want of a candidate, but at the end of the day you only have 2 real choices. A vote for third party is essentially not voting and that only hurts one of two parties. We saw what happens when people protest vote. So when 90% of the posts someone make are against one of two candidates and ignores obvious flaws in the system that lead to a lot of the criticism someone is posting it’s no longer just being critical. It’s an active campaign to dissuade people from voting for 1 of 2 candidates. When you only have 2 options and you are so adamantly against one you are pushing people to vote for the other.

  • No my point is they have a very obvious agenda. Being critical of Biden is fine. They aren’t critical of any other Dems just Biden. They don’t offer solutions, just anti Biden. They don’t talk about how first past the post voting is why we are stuck with candidates we dont like. It’s like 40x anti Biden posts a day. We get it they don’t like Biden, I don’t either, but you don’t see me making it my job to shit on him every chance I get . His approval is dropping below 30% so a majority doesn’t like him, but it’s what we’ve got currently.

  • Biden isn’t a king. Again I am not a fan of him either but let’s not pretend that he can just snap his fingers and make these things happen. He’ll need support of the house and senate, which we know isn’t likely. I don’t see any critical posts about the voting system in America from you which would actually allow you to vote for someone you liked. It’s just anti Biden.