Ketamin. Elon is on Ketamin and I wish I was joking. Most of the administration is, and Thiel is their supplier.
Ketamin. Elon is on Ketamin and I wish I was joking. Most of the administration is, and Thiel is their supplier.
Is it okay yet to admit that Israelis and zionists are evil, or still not acceptable no matter how many other cultures they are genociding? I’m not going down the rabbit hole of “jews” because I personally know many other jews who are completely horrified by what Israel is doing in their name. But it begs the question. If this is the end-result…do jews “really” need or deserve their own homeland? Did so many of them survive an effort to genocide them, only to do the exact same to others now for no other reason than grabbing clay and religious fanaticism?
If the I in “AIPAC” stood for “Italy”, people would have questions…
Well it seems to make quite a bit of noise right now in the MSM. As for the absence of outrage… I feel like everyone understands this administration is completely incompetent and no one is surprised. I wouldn’t even bat an eye if Goldberg gets invited to yet another Signal chat called “We must kill Goldberg to send a message”. I’m just glad that the anti-Europe attitude is on full display yet again, hopefully serving as yet another wake up call for Europe to ban every single American from entering the continent and closing down any and all cooperation with the failed state that is the US.
Yeah. Both on r/worldnews and r/europe. Not in smaller national subreddits though, where people are up in arms about the Europe comments. I don’t understand why Reddit would seek to censor these leaks, as they are already disseminated across the MSM everywhere.
Why is this random piece of history relevant in a news comm though
Look at OPs profile picture, then search for “Lakhta-2 business center”.
Oh no there once was a dude called Stepan Bandera, this CLEARLY means Ukraine must surrender immediately to Russia!
Go back to Telegram.
Well, you can’t vote fascists out, but historically speaking they’ve always been voted IN. Authoritarianism is always a degeneration of liberalism. When people get fat and lazy, shit like this happens. Weak men creating hard times ect.
This made me so mad I actually looked up my representative and wrote her how impotent this stunt was. Of course, “writing your representative” is just as pathetic, but SOMEONE had to hear about my anger. Kudos to Al Greene though. The old geezer stood up for all of us, literally.
Not by voting, but tomorrow I will hold up a sign near a road for 2 hours. Trump will have no choice but to step down after that.
Hey Fidel, B&W is an American trailer company.
Anyway, good luck. Don’t forget to thank Hitler next time you take an aspirin.
There are more Russian refugees in the US than Ukrainian ones. Are they gonna have their status revoked too?
I swear to god man.
You swear to do what? What are you gonna do about it if we don’t get rid of Trump? If we don’t engage in large-scale riots and die so Canadians are safe? How about YOU do something? The best way to deal with an aggressive neighbor (geopolitically speaking) is invading them to enact regime change or just genocide the people there. Go on. Do it. Put your money where your mouth is and start walking across that border with a weapon in your hand. Once you win you can impose whatever government you want here.
That’s the problem with “Someone should kill Trump and Elon Musk”. The “Someone” part, which translates to “anybody but me I just want to continue being lazy and comfortable”.
The old boomer’s idea of conservatism has already died. Congratulations, you already got what you asked for. It was replaced by a technocracy. Or neo-fascism. Call it whatever you want, but that replacement is thoroughly supported by young people. Zoomers more than millenials.
Statements like yours incite me quite a bit, because I’ve used to say the same thing. “Boomers will die out soon and then we get to take over”. That was 30 years ago. It got worse, not better.
Getting rid of the electoral college would be a good first step. It would still be less than 1% of what needs to be done, but a step in the right direction nonetheless.
You’re getting blackpilled because your scope of what liberal democracy is is incredibly limited and almost childish. Student loan forgiveness? Recognizing Palestine? Those are useless carrots dangled in front of you that do not materially change the country or even count as policies.
If you want to lock out authoritarians for another 100 years and have a real democracy you need to think bigger and grow up. Fundamental voting procedures need to be overhauled. The judiciary needs to be completely removed and then reinstated with additional safeguards against partisanship. Return to a gold standard and abolishment of stocks. Yes, the entire stock market. Quite frankly the entire constitution needs an overhaul to a degree where the old one should just be tossed into a fire and the flag changed afterwards to reflect all these changes to the country.
THAT is what is needed. To remove FUNDAMENTAL and ENDEMIC problems that have been plaguing this republic for 200 years now!
But instead of thinking about that, you just prefer some free money in the form of debt forgiveness. And that’s why Trump won and he and his successor will keep winning for the foreseeable future.
Not how any of this works. They had a choice between bowing down or closing down. Many other universities will soon get, and make, the same choice.
There will be no return to pre-2025. Ever. The damage to all institutions and the entrenchment of the victorious billionaire class are too severe. I wish people would finally understand that. Be prepared to fight a literal civil war, you will not vote your way out of this.
Stupid question. Everyone already knows why. You write an article about how Israel might not be 100% justified in their wholesale slaughter of ALL their neighbors, and you find yourself on the wrong end of a mossad gun.
I live in Californ…I mean, “Commiefornia”. If Trump Special-military-operations Canada, I will absolutely join the American-Canadian war and so will most other people here.
…but there is a nuance.
Oh good. That means we must invade Mexico because so much comes over the border. And of course this means we must attack China to defend ourselves against their WMDs. Canada is the least of our (already not really) fentanyl problem, but of course Trump will seek to justify invasion that way.
At this point I only wish those rock chewers would just be honest. Just tell everyone you invade Canada “just because” in a war of naked aggression. That’s en vogue anyway.
Edit: Canadians, take a shovel and start digging trenches along the entire border. 3 trenches deep, with extra circular ones around cities and logistic hubs. Place explosives on all bridges near the border. Change the location of your mobile AA systems, every 3-4 days. All of this can be done without conscription or rationing to increase weapons manufacturing and might be enough to have Canada be considered too difficult to invade without horribly losses. Plus it would be an amazing statement of rejection towards America in general and Trump specifically. Peace time is over, start digging.
Who’s gonna tell him?