I, totally, get that you can’t store large files on the blockchain. It’s just how I generally refer to it. What I had in mind was something more along the lines of the file, or what have you, being on the blockchain but hosted on IPFS or something. I get peer-to-peer isn’t ideal, but I’ve always like the idea of decentralization. I think the only significant things to actually be on the blockchain would be contracts and things of that nature. I regards to how it could benefit someone, there’s definitely utility in it for financial matters. Such as stock market transactions. It would be nice if there was more insight into how companies use ATSes, or swaps (considering things like swap disclosures for certain things tend to get pushed back years and years, and the Swiss gov doesn’t want to disclose certain financial matters about UBS absorbing CS for 50 years). But, all that aside, I think the most promising aspect is the ability for it to be incorporated into games. Having gamers be able to obtain skins, weapons, armor, etc. and have that be traded outside of a walled-garden. And, hopefully there’s some interoperability with those things, between games, in the next few/handful of years. Not saying it’s destined to happen, but it certainly would be nice to see.
I’m sorry if you think financial accountability and the ability to trade/sell items outside of a walled-garden don’t mean anything. And, I don’t know if you missed it but the fact that there could be interoperability in games answers your question. I know, it’s not a thing now, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be. The internet wasn’t a thing in the early 90’s and no one could have imagined what utility it would have brought 20-years down the line, but here we are. Let me put it to you like this, regardless of how you feel about it, does it negatively affect you to have more options? Why are you on Lemmy when there’s Reddit and Facebook? The tech doesn’t negatively affect you, and regardless if you think it has any utility or it’s dumb, that doesn’t mean others share your opinion. Even if those people are the minority, does it mean we should tell them they can’t do something just because we don’t like it or can’t see the benefit in it? Literally, of all places I would have assumed Lemmy users would have been more open-minded and tolerant of things. lol… Have a good day.