The problem wasn’t her idea of taxing the rich, it was touting the endorsement of bankers in regards for her economic plans:
“is why Goldman Sachs . . . is why Moody’s, which is why Wharton School of Business, which is why 16 Nobel laureates, have collectively determined after analyzing our plans . . . mine would strengthen the economy, his would weaken it.” - Kamala Harris
Especially when the one’s that endorsed her economic plans can only be described as:
a "great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money "
Is touting the endorsement of bankers and Bush era war criminals really the most effective strategy that the democrat party can muster?
Sure, this would not only perhaps prevent the rise in tensions but also partially benefit Russia’s economy which would only benefit the world especially with US, China, and India cooperating with each other.