• 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 30th, 2022


  • I feel you but from the opposite side. Back when NFTs were in their infancy and hard to research, my friend asked if I wanted to help him make an NFT project. I didn’t know either of the programming languages he needed, and I was planning a wedding, so I ended up saying “no”. In the present, I know NFTs are a scam, I know that the project I would have worked on eventually went “to the moon” and I could have cashed in and not have to deal with work bullshit. I know I made the ethical and correct choice turning him down, but goddamn does it still sting when the rent payment is due

  • I have never heard of “reeee” being a record scratching sound.

    “Reeeee” being a joke about autistic screech, like a lot of old shitty jokes, originated on 4chan but made its way to reddit and twitch and basically any other site where pepe the frog got traction. It eventually got mainstream enough that shows like South Park and I think Family Guy referenced it as such. Search “reeeee” on google or youtube, it’s going to be almost all references to a joke about autism.

    Also, correcting someone making offensive jokes isn’t white knighting. It is a good thing that more people should do. Just because someone from the targeted group isn’t vocal in the comments doesn’t mean harm isn’t done. It isn’t the sole responsibility of the people targeted in situations to vocally defend themselves. Informing others of harm they might be doing to others is a core part of building a community.