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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023


  • I think defining it in such terns is not as important as to understand what is happening. First of all, Israel was created forcefully uppon Arab land with little justification for such, the issue is, how a country comes to be has little to do wirh the role it plays in the international cheeseboard. What counts is how international community sees it, and throughout the decades Israel is been recognized as a bona fide normal country. As of recently it might be that some talk about parts of Israel being illegitimately taken from Palestine be circulated with some potential, but it’s very likely that the international community keep seeing Israel as a regular country they’ll likely put everything on Netanyahu’s tab and as soon as he is out is business as usual.

    But if you are concerned about what it is in reality is a colonial occupation of Palestine land, shouldn’t even be a country. As for being a pariah, it has not received hardly any economic sanctions, in fact the US keeps helping it so I don’t see much of a pariah quality to it. Rogue state would assume I believe to behave in discord with the international standards, and Israel is doing what the west wants, what bothers is the colossal bad press it got by their means, but the general direction is what the west wanted, so some might call what’s happening now as a rogue behavior but I’d find more likely it to be considered that Netanyahu is a rogue leader instead of Israel being a rogue nation.

    Don’t know if I made myself very clear, but hopefully I contributed to the discussion