What a scam! I always wait for the real deal at .95.
What a scam! I always wait for the real deal at .95.
Yeah, they let Trump behind the counter. Fuck McDonalds.
Lol, Twitter?! Seriously? I’m not even going to click that shit. I know it’s not real.
I got banned for far dumber reasons, so yeah, I belive this 100%. Reddit is a cesspool, and /r/politics is one is the worst examples of propaganda out there. They silence people that voice opinions they don’t like on bogus charges every day.
They actually sometimes are the same thing.
Would any sane person advocate against Hitler’s death after learning what he did?
The difference is that our government sanctioned that target ~80 years ago, but this one was against the law. Both people brought large numbers of innocent people to early graves in this world.
As someone who never uses this platform, this comment made me chuckle.
Give it to the San Diego food bank instead. It’s a good charity from what I’ve seen, and I’ve volunteered there at least half a dozen times.
There’s no need to listen to the ratings of a mentally challenged boy… The world knows who Trump is at this point.
Lol, “humor”? People seem downright giddy, and it’s not a joke at all.
Lol, I appreciate that final line in your comment. So many of us were that close back in 2020… Now things are slated to be worse, and I think I speak for at least millions of Americans when I say we are just fucking over it.
When we’ve tossed out any semblance of justice in our country at the highest levels, literally ruling that the president is immune from all prosecution (you know, like a fucking king), then asshole corpos that indirectly murder countless people getting gunned down doesn’t exactly concern us. In fact, this sort of thing genuinely seems more just than what our highest courts are allowing.
Shit is fucked up in this country, and I don’t think many of us want to pretend otherwise any longer. I’m not advocating violence, but I definitely don’t think I’ll lose sleep over this situation.
Trump has proven this, and the fact Elon (the richest manchild in the world) is literally in his cabinet now only exacerbates the situation.
I don’t think things are radically worse, that’s the interesting thing… It’s the fact we’ve discarded any semblance of justice at the highest levels. Like, nobody is even pretending now. The highest office in the land is about to be occupied by an openly corrupt idiot.
When people lose hope in their leaders, they realize it’s up to them to change the world. Great acts are often done in the fallout of such times. Both acts of great kindness, and great violence.
Injustices become things to act on when you have zero hope of change from the people who should be enacting change.
We really are just a few years away from Cyberpunk, aren’t we? I’d actually say a mix of both that, and Cloud Atlas’ last timeline.
Seriously, I’m so tired of this shit.
There is no justice in America in 2024. I’m not sure if there ever was… It’s all bullshit, folks, and it’s bad for ya.
Please stop giving them ideas…
It’s fucking awful with our without AI in 2024.
Ah yes, right up there with marginalizing an entire group of people despite a lack of evidence. Oh, wait, it’s exactly that. 50% or less of American voters voted for Trump.
No, didn’t you read OP’s statement? Apparently all of America is to blame. What a chucklefuck. I’m tired of letting this shit slide.
The entire American public? Trump won 50% or less of the vote. Stop spreading misinformation, you clown.
By marginalizing all of us that voted against him, you’re only empowering him. Fuck you.
This applies mostly to young gamers.