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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Yes, I found it well-written but not all that enlightening. I recognise that it made sense for SpaceGhost/CheapSkate to build his sites out by hand in the true spirit of DIY, but that doesn’t seem too practical or advisable for most folks.

    The various federated software & networks may have their weak points and inconsistencies, but far as I can tell it’s still best for volunteer site runners to work within that framework so as to remain connected to something bigger than just their little personal corner of the internet. Is it really so expensive a thing to federate? I seem to recall that some instances can host for only ~US$20, which doesn’t seem bad at all. Images are arguably best stored at other sites like Imgur, anyway.

    @[email protected]

  • Hah. Like I’m personally any kind of avatar on this stuff.

    No, I’m not scolding anyone-- I’m pointing out how we could have responded effectively to the issue in the past tense, as it now appears we’re ruddy-well borked, and pretty much missed ~95% of our biggest opportunities to make effective change. And in case you’re wondering, these are hardly my unique thoughts, and in fact are attributable to much smarter, more aware people than I, across a range of science-based and sociological-based platforms & orgs. I’m merely a little canary who happened to be in the room, TBC.

    Sure, any individual can say ‘well I had my own life, job, interests, etc to pursue and couldn’t be bothered with this shite,’ but we’re talking about the body of people across 40+ years. If they can’t understand the forest is on fire or the mountain is about to landslide, then despite whoever their leadership is, in the end it’s on them.

    Indeed, we still have an absurdly high number of people in the States who don’t even understand what ACC actually is, and of course are deeply resentful of the idea that humans had anything to do with it(!)

    So blame whatever specific components you like if it makes you feel better, but in the end, it’s a fundamental failing of our high-tech, freemarket-capitalism civilisation to address these crises in a reasonably prompt manner.

    EDIT: I will of course say this-- if you’re late to the game, and if you’re late in absorbing and understanding this stuff, then yes… it’s indeed a heavy pill to swallow, and I completely understand not feeling like you’re personally responsible. And indeed, people in our relative class are barely responsible, compared to the reprehensible wealthy and exploitative corporations, especially those who promote real disinformation, such as the Koch Bros, right-wing extremists, bogus ‘think tanks’ and so forth.

  • Unfortunately that’s a rather idealised view of the way American politics work. In reality, we already know from long experience that American politico-capitalism runs towards exploitation and greed when left to its own devices, as we saw with the monopolies, the robber barons, the horrific exploitation of immigrant labor as seen in the meatpacking industry and mining fields, etc, etc.

    Yes, I do hear what you’re saying, but reality is reality. However the system was ‘supposed’ to work as an ideal, in fact it left us in a horrible situation, one in which the primary difference makers were ourselves. Let’s also not forget that if the system is ‘rigged’ the way it is, and we carelessly buy in to it ourselves as consumers, then not only are we failing to hold politicians accountable, but we’re also the ones cooperating in feeding the impending catastrophe of unsustainability… across a range of issues stacked on top of CC.

    There’s also the fact that with America endorsing a pro-big business / wealthy scoundrel such as Nixon, leading to an even worse scoundrel in Reagan, and then failing to recognise the wheels in motion resultant from all that in the 50+yrs since, why then, there’s another way the body of American people have essentially failed to make a critical difference.