itty53 everywhere but twitter.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • This sounds like a joke but this is the explicit problem: doctors won’t be the ones to do it.

    You guys all knew that right? Doctors don’t administer those chemicals for lethal injection. And they won’t be administering gas either. Some po’dunk cop will.

    Because doctors take an oath that begins “first, do no harm”. This has forever been the problem of the very notion of “humane execution”, there are no physicians involved. None. At any step.

    Know what’s just as effective? Bullets. But we can’t call a firing squad humane with a straight face, and the witnesses remaining are traumatized, including the shooters. That truth exposes the truth of the death penalty. It’s not about justice, but retribution - for the living. They’re lynchings. Violent theatrics. That’s the point.

    They shouldn’t be legal, it’s barbaric. But you already said you weren’t for them, so I’m just preaching to the ether.

  • This is important for managing heat on a human level in cities. So I’m not saying this is stupid.

    But don’t get this twisted: This is useless for addressing the climate change problem. It’s not even a bandaid on a stab wound, this is equivalent to offering someone bleeding out a glass of warm water and fanning them with a brochure about new plastic doodads. A trillion trees planted tomorrow wouldn’t even be a pebble on the pavement to that SUV flying down the fiery freeway.

  • If a private, but not secret agency has access to the physics and can’t engineer it, there’s a question of why. As much as we’d like to disassociate engineering from discovery, they’re linked together. Engineering leads to further observation leads to discovery and vice versa back the other direction. It’s entirely possible there’s “new physics” at play even if they’re only theoretical to the Discovery Channel right now. Who’s to say, really?

    So while I’m not gonna disagree with you, and you’re right there’s a difference between engineering technology and physics itself, I still don’t really see the distinction as that important to the discussion here.

    Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, after all. We’re talking about exactly that level of technology, commonly being called physics-defying by many engineers today. That’s magic to common understanding, for all intents and purposes, even if it’s possible that we could all eventually understand and demystify it given the education to do so.

    Until then? Hard to close doors other than just “do we need this for the story”. And aliens don’t need to be there, hence my whole line of thinking above. That’s just another example of “any secret is the exact secret I want it to be” kind of thinking. See also “everything I don’t understand is a communist” or more recently, “everything I don’t like is woke”. I like to make reference to dinosaurs, because no one ever does. Why not? It could be dinosaurs in those crafts too! There’s more evidence for that than aliens, right? We know 100% dinosaurs existed, here. They would’ve had much much more time to develop technology than we did, eons longer. So again why not? “Because it’s absurd.” Yep. It is. Every argument against it counts against aliens too.

  • I’m gonna propose to the alien believers a different explanation of UAPs: they’re black projects. Yes all those physics defying things are man made, and they probably have an understanding of physics we don’t currently know about in the wider public.

    Technology trends exist. We can see them. It’s no wonder that every generation’s stereotype of unidentified craft always always always mimicked the latest generation of military flight tech. That’s what’s been true since the inception of the whole thing. It’s true today too, thirty years from now we’ll get a public look at the crafts they’re testing out in the skies today. Be that because they get used or because they become obsolete. Thats how it goes.

    So why the hearings in Congress? Because they’re black projects. We’re talking trillions in this rabbit hole. Congress very much has an urgent want to understand what they military might be keeping from it, vis a vis private contractors. We’re talking multiple times the budgets of nation-states and we’re getting receipts that are basically "trust me bro"s.

    But Congress can’t very well tell the truth of all that without undermining the American military, and thereby America itself. So they go along with the same “aliens” reasoning, “uhh yeah, let’s go with that, okay”, and keep pressing for more information.

    Is that crazy? Yeah, you bet. But it’s no crazier than believing all that and that there’s aliens. Because the alien conspiracy crowd asserts virtually everything I just said, just, with aliens. Aliens aren’t necessary for any of it though.

    In the history of nations there’s never been a more sure-fire way to lose democracy than making an enemy of the military complex propping it up. So Congress ought to be careful too, keep a little plausible deniability for themselves.

  • Case provides further evidence. We know peppers can lead to serious consequences. Case in point, these chips have warning labels on them already. Don’t eat if pregnant, nursing, heart condition, etc.

    That last one is the active player here. The kid had an undiagnosed heart condition. It’s not his fault, it’s not the fault of the chip maker either. It’s just a sad happening. Not every sad happening needs to result in legal actions and regulations or … anything, really. Guns are still legal after all, I don’t want to hear fuck-all about banning fruits and vegetables.

  • Nah. I still disagree. “Casual racism against Chinese people” has been a mainstay of America since the railroads were built. Probably before.

    I mean Bugs Bunny comes to mind, what more casually racist and beloved character is there?

    Those guys were all using coded language for decades. Many white kids pick up on that language and adopted it. All while Trump was donating to the Clintons and well before too.

    The danger in attributing this all to Trump is that Trump is going to die one day, fascism in America won’t die with him.

  • His fascism and bigotry aren’t spilling over anywhere, Trump represents a mean streak in society that’s dominated by wealth, eg, fascism. It’s everywhere already, that’s why non-Americans are focusing on Trump. You’ll note that happens in anywhere defined by “Western society”. Australia included. Hell, Qanon’s founder didn’t live in America.

    I’m not saying any of this is good or right, but don’t pretend your nation’s fascists will slow down because of Trump. They won’t. They were there already.

    The same thing was happening back before WWII. Fascists existed in America before the war. They existed here after too. And Canada. And Australia, etc.