They will have their own wash cycles/protocols because everyone knows that filth slows things down, especially joints and moving parts. Indoor ones will be programmed to stay sanitary for our sake, so they may even have UV-based self-cleaning capabilities.
They can’t perceive any sense the way organic brains do, but they can still pick up on chemical composition; I recommend that you get an air filter with a reactive/smart detection system. We already have carbon monoxide, radon, etc. detectors, after all. They’ll be really sophisticated! And they’ll cost accordingly…
Yes, it was the cheap camera tricks obscuring parts of the map that you could go to that did it for me. It was, like, basically making you check for every possible secret despite the limited abilities of no camera control nor destructible terrain… I get that there was an era of games with this mindset (sorta like some Metroid-&-other games, I suppose), but I just don’t have time for that any more.
This may sound odd to some, but my stance towards quality games is: punish fairly. Life is hard enough as it is so I don’t need a game also going, “Haha, well, screw you here, too.” Thanks for coming to my TED talk.