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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Yep when it comes to undecided voters. Best case is that they’re unengaged and completely preoccupied with long-term health issues etc. The ones that don’t fall into that vanishingly small minority. Are just f****** stupid. Willfully ignorant. The one saying RFK Jr and Tulsi Gabbard would be a slam dunk for her, especially so. Anyone who looks at a hypocritical moral less opportunist, or a lunatic ruined by his own family and drugs. And says those are the kind of leaders we need. Need serious help. Especially with staying away from me. It’s scary to think that people are so ignorant and proud of it.

  • Or just hear me out, the green party stops playing spoiler every 4 years. Proving that their platform is meaningless and empty. And instead focuses on running and recruiting for state and local legislature to actually pass ranked Choice voting. And where it makes sense, such as offices no Democrat is running for. Recruit and endorsed a candidate to run as the combined democrat/green party candidate. Instead of constantly splitting the vote helping conservatives and the bourgeoisie.

  • The ambiguity is ironically a good sign. That she isn’t outright committed to the status quo. But rather not willing to signal her actual position. If she came out strongly against Israel and for Palestine. Unfortunately that would be a large hindrance to her candidacy in the current climate.

    It’s a shame that those illegally occupying Palestine have such influence over our government. Especially after their terrorist attacks of the last few days. Not to mention the decades long slow genocide that’s only accelerated in the last year.

  • Some? Yes. Far too many? Absolutely. All? Not even close. Most current Teamsters were still in grade school and kindergarten when Reagan broke the unions. As a group they’ve been through 40 plus years of mergers, consolidation, and closures. And are now facing down what looks like an inevitable Extinction in the face of automation. Yes the Republicans engineered it. Democrats of last 40 years helping every step of the way.

    It’s still mental for them to be supporting republicans. But no one is offering them any salvation at all. Ultimately what’s more natural in the face of creeping capitalist Extinction then nihilism?

  • You get what you give. If you don’t like it. You’re free to behave differently.

    Anyone using the term “blue maga” in any capacity other than to call out and ridicule those using it seriously. Are either dishonest, trolling, and or uninformed. Worse if they do it hypocritically from a Leninist associated domain.

    You can, and I do generally dislike liberals. But also be honest about them, and work with them where interests align. Which yes, even as someone ideologically libertarian/anarchist communist it definitely happens. Actually more often than my interests align with leninists. Who unironically and proudly just sentenced someone to more than a year in prison that over a fucking shirt because of course that brain rotted ideology would.

  • Not even libertarian. Just another uninformed delusional economic liberal. Who thinks just because we’ve tried something and was proven that it failed. Doesn’t somehow mean it won’t work if we just keep trying to do the same thing and failing over and over again

    Libertarian at best. But lacking the intelligence and empathy to actually be libertarian.

  • Yes you don’t get things like Poe Etc. At least not on the zero models. There are hats for the full size pi. But you have full control and they are upgradable. I have a zero w in the official enclosure. Double-sided tape to a wall with a micro b cord plugged into power it. Can access the stream over Wi-Fi and get 30 frames per second 720P easy. Could easily do much better than that even. But the original Raspberry Pi camera module I think is the limitation. Because the cores on the Zero are barely being touched at all. In the low double digits if that.

    It’s so light on resources that if someone had an old USB hub. And some old web cameras laying around. You could run multiple cameras off of a single Raspberry Pi zero. I think you would hit Port bandwidth saturation before you would hit a CPU limit. Unless of course you’re trying to reincode.

  • The problem is that American Libertarians aren’t libertarian. They’re masquerading economic liberals.

    The reason their government has failed and always will fail. Is because they are against government itself. All but the most dogmatic, ideological, and importantly antisocial anarchist and actual libertarians recognize the need for government and it’s existence. They just believe it should be largely flat, answerable, and as much as possible based in consent. Even national/federal goverment is acceptable depending on structure and ability.

    American Libertarians only support government that protects their personal privilege. And nothing else.

    And while it’s possible for any group to fail. No other group self sabotages so completely from the start.

  • He wasn’t even that. He was literally chosen to call the Republicans bluff when they said that Obama would never nominate someone like him even. Then Obama did.

    It just turns out that it wasn’t a bluff. And the racists never had any intention of ever being sensible or normal. But I think that was pretty much obvious to anyone with a couple of brain cells.

    Garland however, was never a leftist. He wasn’t even ever “progressive”. Let alone a Democrat. He was always a false neutrality, status quo droid. Plus, regardless of who was put in office. Republicans were always going to claim any consequences for their behavior was revenge. Even if it was revenge though. Why should we be concerned. Sometimes revenge and justice are the same thing. And justice shouldn’t be denied. Perhaps Republicans should stop giving people grounds for wanting revenge?