• 8 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2024

  • But isn’t that the most honest answer. Some form of mania. The GOP want us to live in a world where only democrats can ignite extremist violent outbursts. All while courting extremists. If the democrats rhetoric makes people violent then surely the GOPs rhetoric will do the same?

    I dunno. I’m trying to apply logic to an illogical argument. So much of the time we should just shut these people off and work are hardest to deplatform them rather then just fact checking. It’s a type of pollution, which is fine in small doses, but it’s destroying the public square. That and all the shameless advertisments.

  • In my mind, it’s really just entitlement. Something along the lines of, “well, I don’t know the answer and why should I have to know if someone else is going to figure it out.”

    In a tired way, I understand it. Everyday I just want some of my time back for myself. If I’m always the one who has to work through all the problems for my ideas just to be ignored then I’m just going to be perpetually frustrated. So if my ideas are half baked and the solutions i barf up aren’t to your liking, well, figure it out yourself.

    Not to say that I am this way. I don’t get frustrated when my ideas are ignored. I do get frustrated, though, when others eat up half baked ideas knowing they are just that.

    Sorry, if what I’ve wrote so far has gotten a bit confusing. I’ll wrap it up and say, it’s entitlement. People don’t want to think for themselves because it’s time consuming. They think the world should order itself in a way that fulfills their needs with minimal effort on their part. Except, to understand how the world would be ordered for that to be reality, they can’t comprehend because no one has really figured that one out. So they fall back on god and gods an easy out because, duh, he’s god.

  • Having to wake up every morning and put my trust in people is the hardest thing I do everyday. I so very much want to believe there is good in everyone but all I have to do is look and I see what’s inside of many Americans hearts is hideous. So when I look at my burger and it doesn’t seem quite right, I’m suspicious. When I leave my car I lock the doors twice to make sure it’s really locked. I don’t keep anything personal in my work space, nothing I would care about losing. Nothing that means anything to me. When I am going through a rough patch I bottle it up inside. When my heart is as full as I can barely stand I pretend everything is just fine.

    This is how I live and I wonder why I can’t connect with anyone. I’m always afraid that right behind my neighbors eyes there is a monster and I assume they think the same of me.

  • I’ve been Tyreek and have been picked up on disorderly conduct charges for mocking a police officer to his face. They did not treat me like that. It was all bullshit too, they just wanted to search me thinking I was an easy target.

    What you’re are saying is the police get your complete obedience no matter what. Frankly, that is just not how humans work. I don’t care if you’re an authority. If you target me I will feel a way about it.

    Edit: BTW charges dropped because being rude is not illegal. Cops don’t just get your complete obedience. That is not the law. It may be a norm but we have the power to change norms. To change laws. Don’t perpetuate your own oppression.