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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • Let’s put it this way, where I live we separate our rubbish between general, recyclable and glass but our council only recycles the glass and dumps the rest in the landfill with the general rubbish…

    We see a lot of “do-gooders” out there pretending to do something while achieving the exact opposite. An example: most flagship smartphones now come without a charger but if you want the latest wireless charging tech they’re pushing or even the latest fast charging, you’re surely going to buy that extra on the same purchase. Now you have two separate devices that used to share the same package now generating twice the amount of rubbish. It makes no sense. These same smartphones now have glued on batteries that can’t easily be removed, so both phones and batteries end up in the same bin, where the phones themselves should be going to a separate facility to extract the rate matels it has.

    We the simpletons think that the little we do helps but reality is very different…

  • There were branches of the political spectrum who brought up the discussion of accountability of the Brazilian electoral system. It had to do with the fact that the only way for a recount of total votes is now 100% based on software which no common citizen can understand and/or check. How can a voting system be fair to an entire population when only a few highly skilled people can actually understand its inner workings? My opinion in this particular matter is irrelevant here but this was the topic that I said bozo’s supporters highjacked to push forth their own agenda. Which in turn ridiculed the whole thing for no gain, whatsoever.