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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • Also worth mentioning is the Cleric Quintet, same author.

    I can’t recall if its a FR books (I believe it is, but been a long time) but I remember it being a satisfying read on a rainy day.

    I read it in a week at work, no business because it was a walk in only location for fast food, it was raining to the point that it was overflowing the glass caulking for exterior floor to ceiling windows. So mop up once in a while, and read.

  • At this point, the GOP is going out of their way to torture Hunter and ruin his life and image.

    Deplorable behavior, I just wish the other half of this country would realize this is barbaric, uncouth, and not what this country stood for - because as it stands, we’re teetering between a more socialist capitalism and fascism.

    I talked to my grandfather, he isn’t long for this world but he was clear headed when we talked - Asked him about fascism, as a WW2 vet. He has voted R most of his life, but thankfully he sees the writing on the wall at this point. It did take a little emotional damage though, his second great grandchild was just born - if things keep progressing in this fashion, what life will it have? Not the America he reminisces about, and not the good parts of the more modern times.

  • They can do it in their free time, and even barter trade. But from sunup to sundown (or whatever labor scale they use to measure shifts) they are doing something materially useful. No contribution, no food that day. Should only take about 3 weeks to get rid of all the slackers (and I say that as a slacker myself) either they’ve gone back home, or they’ve starved to death.

  • I respecced Shadowheart to have more strength initially, and a reroll later after finding certain gloves, and made her a tank with spirit guardian. Stays in range of other characters for more potent touch heals, can take a blow, and Spirit Guardians in the middle of a pack of a restraining CC spell, and it builds up the damage. Freedom of movement, or equipment that grants the same/similar are super useful for this strategy. That said, I have only played on the Balanced setting, so take it with a grain of salt.

    Edited to add, Life domain provides juicier heals and access to heavy armor.

  • As a mentally ill person who dislikes cyclists (primarily because the infrastructure is not set up for it, at all; and a few bad apples who don’t realize how fragile the human body is when ignoring traffic laws) I would never purposely terrorize or hurt another human being, even if they are slowing down my commute drastically.

    Please stop adding to the stigma of the disabled. Its not like we chose this shit, its set me back by at least a decade professionally trying to find the right treatment, coupled with job losses due to having to prioritize things like just not killing myself that day, and its not a fun time.

  • Kali was built out as a penetration testing distro, though it does contain some diagnostic tools.

    Not a bad place to start if you’re used to Debian, but it is a rolling release so it may break unexpectedly, or have new bugs introduced with each update.

    A persistent USB with just Debian could have all the same tools installed but have a longer support scope on releases so you don’t have to update daily (bleeding edge) which is nice to reduce read/writes to the flash drive it’s on.

    That being said, I keep a Kali live image (persistent) but thats becauae its home - my first introduction to Linux was 5 minutes with Red Hat, but aside from a brief intro in highschool, I really started with Linux in Backtrack, offensive security’s predecessor to Kali.

    Yes, I have to learn things the hard way lol.

  • I live in Texas and have since I was a baby, and was saying I had spent little time in Austin itself.

    I’ve driven through Austin on the way visit family further south.

    Worst parts of Texas mostly stems for the state level politics, but roads and other infrastructure suck, the power grid is a nightmare, having worked in a public school education is sorely lacking (and it isn’t the fault of the teachers).

    Can’t forget the racism, anti-intellectual attitudes, and the fact that most people would be happy to have the orange fascist in charge for the rest of his life.

    Austin has more leftist ideals than the rest of the state, and their goal to stay weird or whatever, is very gimmicky compared to the rest of the state.

    Houston is just massive, Dallas has businesses, Ft. Worth has the stockyards, all their own niche and Austin is just the weird kid eating crayons for attention.

    But hey, if the state flips blue in my lifetime I’ll certainly celebrate.