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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I’ve got Gran Turismo 7 and it’s great in some ways but they ruined the pacing of the game. It hands out cars like they expire in less than a week. It can be fun to try out a whole bunch of different cars, but there’s not much sense of progression like the older ones gave.

    I remember building a connection to some of the cars in older games. When you bought a car, it was meaningful because it took time to win enough money to afford something, and then I’d spend a while upgrading it until eventually hitting a ceiling and needing a better car to upgrade to progress to more races. And then add some variety with a few races with rules or restrictions along the way to give a reason to buy some other cards in the same tier, but then then it would be a big decision.

    In GT7, all except the top end supercars feel like an afterthought, my garage gets filled for free as I win races, and any time I want to try a different car, first thing I do is buy most or all of the upgrades because it’s all trivial. Race with limiting rules? Ok, give me 5 minutes and I’ll find, buy, and max out another car to win this one.

    Granted, it has more of an emphasis on the driving than the older ones did (where you could usually take your super car into whatever races your wanted and see how many times you could lap everyone), but I think I like the progressing through cars part more than the racing part and GT7 is disappointing in that regard compared to GT4 or GT3.

  • Maybe it’s not about humans and never has been. Maybe by the time the gods realized how much of an issue humans were, we were already too widespread for them to destroy us without either running out of mana or ruining earth for everything.

    Maybe the cancer is a god’s plan, but it’s not working well enough.

  • How much money is he going to throw at hiring actors to pad out his rally and retention numbers when it won’t make any difference in anyone’s voting decision in the end?

    Alternatively, how many votes is he going to inadvertently throw away after stiffing actors hired to pad out his rally and retention numbers, when statistically some of them will already be supporters, possibly even planning on going to the rally for free but getting excited about the idea to get paid to do what they were going to do anyways but might see him differently after he fucks them directly?

  • Turkey is considering joining BRICS. Putin has more to lose than he has to gain from provoking one of the more friendly NATO members.

    Turkey drives wedges between itself and other NATO members on its own anyways. I don’t think Russia pulling on that thread would do anything other than make Turkey less friendly to them.

    It could even have the opposite effect and unify NATO a bit because who in the West gives Russia any credibility other than the far right?

  • She’s at least as qualified as one of the candidates to have a perspective, and has an edge because she hasn’t bankrupted any casinos, sabotaged a nation’s pandemic response, or raped any kids that I know about. Not that qualification is necessary to have or state a perspective.

    I strongly question the judgement of anyone who questions the judgement of someone advising voting against Trump.