Urethra Franklin

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2023


  • I agree conceptually. Experientially, I would say losing housing (legally occupied or not) is far more dramatic and life changing than being inconvenienced over the loss of a torrent tracker.

    Source: In my drinking, I’ve found myself homeless (due to choices I made, no doubt). Wildly, losing access to torrents (which I’ve also done) is somewhat less consequential than being on the streets.

  • Caffeine defense?

    Username checks out.

    EDIT: That being said, I agree with you for the most part, though I would charge that am exceedingly high caffeine level such as this should be clearly labeled.

    The scary part for me is that, while this gentleman lived independently, I wonder if he would have been able to make the responsible choice to limit his intake or choose another drink if he was aware of the stimulant effects. Developmental disabilities can vastly alter critical thinking of things like that.

    Bummer of a situation all around.

  • The difficulty is that tipped employees, in some parts of the United States, can (and do) make as little as $2.13/hr. Laws ostensibly exist to ensure that tipped employees make minimum wage (federally mandated at $7.25/hr), but, due to a variety of factors, this isn’t always the case (to say nothing of the fact that $7.25/hr is hardly a living wage).

    I spent 25+ years in food service. It was a lot of fun and seemingly good money when I was younger. Now that I’m 40, things like dependable pay and benefits trump the fun I had waiting tables and bartending all those years.