CARACAS, Jan. 1 (Xinhua) – Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro proposed to move, from January 2025, towards a reform of the Constitution for the democratization of the State.

The proposal is “that as of January 2025 we move towards a constitutional reform that democratizes the entire State, that democratizes the entire society and that advances towards a process of strengthening a new way of doing politics, of a new democracy,” said the president.

The Venezuelan head of state made the announcement in an interview granted to the Spanish journalist Ignacio Ramonet, and broadcast today on state television.

He argued that the idea arose from the construction of a new communal State and from the popular consultations held this year. “From direct democracy, from neighborhood, community democracy,” he specified.

“In 2024, we held three direct consultations with the communities. Two consultations for projects, for the delivery of budgets, for community projects, decided, defined, planned and voted and approved by popular vote, direct, secret, broad, majority. This implied the approval of thousands, thousands of neighborhood projects, to solve often pressing problems, which the bureaucracy of the old State does not attend to, does not solve”, he recalled.